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作为柔性电子器件的基本构筑元件,有机场效应晶体管(OFETs)近年来受到深入研究并在高性能材料研发和器件多功能应用等方面取得了长足的进展。溶液加工技术以其温和的操作条件和灵活多样的工艺流程,成为实现高性能有机场效应晶体管器件低成本、大面积制备的优良选择。与聚合物相比,小分子有机半导体材料具有较高的固态堆积有序度及紧密程度和材料纯度,更易加工出性能优良的器件。然而小分子材料的成膜性较差,溶液加工潜能欠佳。如何通过不同的溶液加工技术制备取向均一的大面积连续小分子半导体薄膜,进而构筑高性能大面积器件阵列,成为了领域内的研究重点。本文概述了近年来可溶液加工且性能优良的小分子有机半导体材料研究进展,并依据工艺特点,分别介绍了溶液滴注、弯液面引导涂布和打印这三类可实现大面积制备的溶液加工技术,最后对溶液法大面积制备有机小分子场效应晶体管领域的发展前景进行了展望。 As the basic building blocks of flexible electronic devices, organic field effect transistors (OFETs) have been deeply studied in recent years and made great progress in the research and development of high performance materials and the multifunctional applications of devices. Solution processing technology with its mild operating conditions and flexible and diverse process flow, as a low-cost, large area preparation of high performance organic field effect transistor devices excellent choice. Compared with the polymer, small organic semiconductor material has a high degree of solid state accumulation of the order and degree of tightness and material purity, easier processing of devices with excellent performance. However, the film-forming properties of small molecule materials are poor and the solution processing potential is poor. How to fabricate a large area continuous small-molecule semiconductor film with uniform orientation by different solution processing technologies to construct a high-performance large-area device array has become a research focus in the field. In this paper, the research progress of small molecule organic semiconductor materials which can be processed in solution and have good performance in recent years are summarized. According to the process characteristics, the solutions of solution dropping, meniscus guiding coating and printing are introduced respectively, which can realize large area preparation Finally, the prospects for the development of organic small molecule field-effect transistors in large area by solution method are also prospected.
由本刊常务副主编、语言文学研究所所长张福勋教授和他的研究生徐文潮共同撰著的研究宋代诗人、诗作、诗论、诗派等的论文结集《宋诗论集》(内蒙古人民出版社 1998年 11月出
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