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在“两会”讨论的问题中,关于房地产的提案成为了重中之重。各代表的提案集中体现在房价过高、经济适用房的规范化、房产信息透明化、商品房预售制度变革、投机现象严重等较为明显的问题上。结合这些问题的讨论,中原地产华北地区总经理李文杰认为,人们对房地产市场的疑问集结在 Among the issues discussed in the “NPC and CPPCC session,” the proposal on real estate has become the top priority. The proposals of the representatives are mainly embodied in the obvious problems such as the excessive price, the standardization of affordable housing, the transparency of real estate information, the reform of pre-sale of commodity houses and the serious speculation. In light of the discussion of these issues, Li Wenjie, general manager of Centaline North China, believes that people’s questions about the real estate market are concentrated in
《互联网周刊》:软银亚洲的管理团队只用了不到5年的时间就实现了独立。您如何看待这种超常规发展的现象? 周志雄:回顾2000年左右,在中国做高科技投资的大都是单一LP 型的基