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我国从什么时代起开始种植高粱?高粱是我国的原产,还是从外国传入的?对这些问题,很久以来就争论不休。关于高粱,在我国古代较早的文献中找下到明确的记述。据此,有人推断,我国大约在两千年前的汉朝开始种植高粱;也有人认为我国大面积种植高粱是在元代以后的事。 古文献中常常出观的“稷”字,一般把它解释为不粘的糜子;但是元朝和清朝都有人考证:“稷”就是高粱。古文献中还有一个“粱”字,这又是一种什么庄稼呢?至今众说不一。一些农学史专家队定,“粱”就是今天的高梁;但是,有的专家却不同意这种说法,主张“粱”是良好的谷子品种。各持己见,难分输赢。 最近找在比较《齐民要术》(公元538年前后成书)和《王祯农书》(公元1313年成书) 两本古农书中关于“粱秫”的论述时发观,“粱秫”很可能就是今天的高粱。在《齐民要术》中,作者贾思勰指出,“粱秫”可以种在薄地上,要稀植,种密了不成,种晚了无收。同时,作者还把“粱秫”和谷子的种、管、收方法做了对比。如二者是一种庄稼,便没有对比 Since what era did our country grow sorghum? Are sorghum native to our country or imported from abroad? These issues have long been debated. Regarding sorghum, we find a clear account of the earlier literature in ancient China. Accordingly, some people have inferred that our country began planting sorghum about two thousand years ago in the Han dynasty. Some people think that it is after Yuan Dynasty that large-area sorghum is planted in our country. Ancient literature often appearance of “Ji” word, it is generally interpreted as non-stick Millet; However, both the Yuan Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty research: “Ji” is sorghum. There is also a “sorghum” in the ancient literature, which is another kind of crop? Some agronomy experts set the “sorghum” is today’s sorghum; however, some experts do not agree with this view, arguing that “sorghum” is a good variety of millet. Discretion, difficult to distinguish between winning or losing. Recently found in the comparison of “Qi Min Yao Shu” (AD 538 years into a book) and “Wang Zhennong Shu” (AD 1313 into a book) two ancient agricultural book on the “grits” when the discussion, “grilled grilled” very May be today’s sorghum. In “Qi Min Yao Shu”, the author Jia Siju pointed out that the “sorghum” can be planted in the thin ground, to be sparsely planted, planted as a success, the late crop failure. In the meantime, the author also contrasts the methods of planting, managing and collecting millet. If the two are crops, there is no comparison
To examine the effect of mifepristone compound (mifepristone + anor- drin) on estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) in early pregnancy decidua.
<正> 在革命以前的时期,古建筑没有得到保护法的保护。听任自然侵蚀力量的破坏,促成它们的毁灭。特权阶级的贵族和大资产阶级,任意占据了最有价值的古建筑,而宗教建筑则为僧侣们所有。建筑文物,在经过许多世纪的实际使用中,由于只凭着部分占有者,和那些修缮工人自己的企图,或是地方政府片面的决定,使它们遭受到任意的改造。正式的科学组织,如各种艺术、考古学会和团体,尤其是个别调查研究者——文物爱好者,都得不到国家方面的支持,失去了在保护建筑文物
一、什麼叫宇宙觀? 我們知道哲學以宇宙的全體爲研究對象,是上層建築之一,是有階級性、黨派性的。社會上有各種階級,就有各種不同的宇宙觀。辯證唯物論是馬克思列寧主義黨的