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植物动力2003是中华集团公司所属上海名华有限公司从德国引进,体现高新技术成果的新型植物营养液,包含有促根剂、营养剂及多种植物必需的微量元素等有效成分。由于在生产上添加了一定的资合剂及乳化剂,使有效成分具有更高的生理活性,喷施后能在作物叶面形成一层保护膜,从而有效地防止营养成分的淋失,并促进营养成分透过叶面蜡质层,渗入细胞组织而有利于作物吸收。该营养液在国内问世后,已先后在我国大部分省市及我市各区县设点试验,供试作物涉及粮、棉、油、瓜果、菜及桑、麻、烟等各种作物。经喷施后,均表现出根系生长旺盛,苗株健壮充实,抗病抗逆力强,发育进程加快,提早开花结果、成熟以及增大果形,增进品质,提高产量和增加收益等显著功效。同时还可减少化肥用量而节约了农本,以及防止过多施用化肥造成土壤盐渍化和板结等不良后果。1996年南汇已在甜瓜和蔬菜上有较大面积的应用,一般于苗期、移栽后及开花坐果期和果实膨大期用稀释一千倍液均匀喷雾。特别是在增强抗病抗逆能力,有效地抵抗1996年甜瓜移栽后遇到倒春寒的不利气候条件,保障了小棚甜瓜生产,以及促进早熟、大果、优质方面表现出卓越成效,赢得了广大瓜农的信任。 为促进这一高新技术的早日推广应用,让科技 Plant Dynamics 2003 is a new plant nutrient solution introduced from Germany by Shanghai Minghua Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the China National Accordion Corporation, that contains high-tech achievements. It contains active ingredients such as root-promoting agents, nutrient agents and trace elements necessary for various plants. As a result of the production of a certain amount of additives and emulsifiers, so that the active ingredient has a higher physiological activity, sprayed on the crop leaf after the formation of a protective film, which effectively prevent the leaching of nutrients and promote Nutritional components through the leaf wax layer, infiltrating cell tissue and is conducive to crop absorption. After the advent of the nutrient solution in China, it has set up experiments in most provinces and cities in our country and in all districts and counties in our country. The crops tested include crop, cotton, oil, fruits, vegetables, mulberry, hemp and tobacco. After spraying, they all showed remarkable root growth, strong and robust seedling growth, strong resistance to disease and stress, accelerated development process, early flowering, ripening, fruit shape enhancement, quality improvement, yield increase and profit increase . At the same time, it can also reduce the amount of fertilizer and save the cost, and prevent the excessive application of fertilizers cause soil salinization and the consequences of unification and so on. 1996 Nanhui has melon and vegetables have a larger area of ​​application, usually in the seedling stage, after transplanting and flowering set fruit and fruit enlargement with a thousand times diluted with a uniform spray. Especially in enhancing the resistance to disease and resilience, effectively resist the unfavorable climatic conditions of melon transplanting in late spring after the transplanting in 1996, to ensure the production of squat melon, and to promote the premature, big fruit, excellent quality has shown outstanding success, won The majority of melon farmers trust. To promote this high-tech as soon as possible to promote the use of technology
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掐指算了算,我们这十个十七八岁的快乐女孩走到一起,已经整整107天了。这其中还真有许多有趣的事呢! 面子问题 完了完了,我这该死的脑袋瓜,又忘记打水了。早晨,刚与周
这是一起重大的团伙放火案,两个月以后,案情真相大白。出乎人们意料的是,这起放火案的主要犯罪嫌疑人竟是转租这个饭店的法人代表杨青。 This is a major group arson case.
There are eight types of English word formation, which are widely used nowadays in English. Among them, Borrowings, as one of widely used types of English word