贵在坚持 守信重诺

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在深化电力体制改革,全面实施“九五”计划的关键时刻,为深入贯彻中宣部、国务院纠风办联合召开的“学习推广烟台市实行社会服务承诺制度经验交流会”精神,进一步推进省局的精神文明建设和行业作风建设,局党组根据电力部全国电力系统供电社会服务承诺试点工作会议的部署,对如何搞好这项工作提出了明确要求。近来一段时间,昆明供电局的全体干部、职工通过上下结合,反复酝酿,修改完善,确定了向社会承诺的十项服务内容。 今天,我局召开的新闻发布会得到了省委、省政府、电力部和省市有关部门领导的关心和重视,也得到了各新闻单位的支持。尤其是省委副书记、 In order to deepen the reform of the power system and fully implement the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” at the critical moment, we will further implement the spirit of the “Learning and Promoting Yantai Municipal Implementation of Social Service Commitment System Experience Exchange Conference” held jointly by the Central Propaganda Department and the State Council Corrective Office to further promote the Provincial Bureau. With regard to the construction of the spiritual civilization and the development of the industry’s work style, the Bureau’s Party Group put forward clear requirements on how to do a good job of this work in accordance with the deployment of the National Power Supply System Social Service Commitment Pilot Work Conference of the Ministry of Power. In the recent period, all the cadres and employees of the Kunming Power Supply Bureau have combined ideas from top to bottom, repeated brewing, revised and perfected, and determined ten service contents promised to the society. Today, the press conference held by the Bureau has received the attention and attention of the provincial party committee, the provincial government, the Ministry of Electric Power, and the leaders of relevant departments of provinces and cities, and has also received the support of various news organizations. Especially the deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee,
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1.段组长在处长、车间主任的领导下,全面负责本段组的管理工作。 2.段组长抓好本段组、段委会内部管理,机构健全,分工明确,定期开会,创造一个管理严格、纪律严明、民主、团
“八五”时期经营工作的回顾 一、经营管理工作的基本情况 “八五”期间,是云南电力工业加快改革与发展的重要时期。在电力部和省委、省政府的领导下,我们坚持解放思想,转变
发表声明企业 厂长(经理) 发表声明企业山东推土机总厂 王富启 济宁锅炉厂山东工程机械厂 王国才 临沂锅炉厂山东临沂工程机械有限公司 王志忠 烟台锅炉厂烟台工程机械厂 杨