我的家 ,位于北京西客站旁边莲花池公园附近。该公园 2 0 0 0年底正式对外开放。据北京史志记载 ,这里 80 0年前曾是一大片莲花池 ,古诗称为“映日荷花别样红”之地。随着历史的变迁 ,特别是北京的飞速发展 ,这里成了广大市民及外地游客休闲娱乐的场所 (见图 1) ,重现了 80 0年
My home, is located near Beijing West Railway Station Lotus Pond Park. The park opened to the public at the end of 2000. According to the records of Beijing Shi Zhi, there was a large lotus pond in 80 years ago, and the ancient poem is called “the red lotus-like red land”. With the change of history, especially the rapid development of Beijing, it has become a place for leisure and entertainment for the general public and foreign tourists (see Figure 1), which has reproduced 80 years