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四平市物资回收公司,自1988年年初承包以来,旗开得胜,1~3月份实现利润12.1万元,完成了全年利润承包指标80.6%。四平市物资回收公司,在深化改革承包中,采取大动手术的办法,精减机构,改革干部管理制度,招贤任能,选聘了35名年富力强,有实际经验的同志做中层领导,并将公司两名副经理充实到第一线做领导工作。公司领导为了进一步完善承包责任制,实行了全员风险抵押金,根据职务高低和责任大小,规定了七种不同的风险抵押金。全公司领导和职工共收风险抵押金达十万多元。这样一来,促进了领导和职工的责任心和积极性,给企业经济带来了活力。在此基 Siping City Material Recycling Co., Ltd., which has been contracting since the beginning of 1988, has successfully won the flag and realized a profit of RMB 121,000 from January to March. It has completed 80.6% of the annual profit contract index. Siping City Material Recycling Co., Ltd., in the deepening of reform contracting, adopted major surgical methods, slashed institutions, reformed the management system of cadres, recruited talents, and recruited 35 comrades with rich experience and practical experience as middle-level leaders. The two deputy managers of the company have fulfilled the first line to do leadership work. In order to further improve the contract responsibility system, the company’s leadership has implemented a full-person risk security deposit and has stipulated seven different types of risk deposits based on the job title and the size of the responsibilities. All company leaders and employees received a total of more than 100,000 yuan in risk collateral. In this way, it has promoted the responsibility and enthusiasm of the leaders and employees, and brought vitality to the corporate economy. In this base
赵水忠 资深财经评论家、财经作家。十二年高端财经媒体从业经验,关注全球化背景下中国商业和管理变革的战略、方法和方向,出版过三本专著      在总额达446亿美元的收购方案遭到雅虎拒绝之后,微软于3月3日推出了新的并购策略,即通过对雅虎公司的董事会实施“政变”——把赞成出售雅虎的人塞进董事会,以达到雅虎接受收购方案的目的。  微软就是这样“霸道”,因为他是赢者。“赢者通吃”是商业世界的基本规则,网
Determining the frequency range of derma nerve that responds to audio current is fundamental for the development of skin-hearing technology.Previous studies hav
本文介绍了PowerIntegrations(PI)开发的一种适用于电话上的以太网供电(PoE)分立接口电路,可帮助OEM厂商满足其设计和成本目标。 This article describes a Power over Ethe
最近,笔者为南京的A日化企业成功地挑选了样板市场,并帮助企业在3个月内成功招到近30名经销商,回款额达100万元左右。该企业以生产、销售儿童洗护产品为主,目标消费群是0 ̄13岁
(一) 1987年是企业实行承包经营责任制取得重大突破的一年。年初,国务院决定,为了深化企业改革,挖掘企业潜力,在大中型企业中普遍推行承包经营责任制。这个重要决策,是从社会