随着计算机应用的普及和领域的扩大,操作使用计算机人员越来越多,计算机的应用使人们的工作、学习、生活方式和效率发生了巨大变化。但是计算机的使用也带来了许多危害使用者的因素,作为机房工作人员应深刻认知到这一点。 一、影响机房工作人员健康的因素 机房工作人员在操作或使用计算机的过程中,健康可能受到的伤害因素是多方面的,归纳起来主要有: 1.环境污染。由于计算机生产过程中,使用了含氟氯化物的材料,使用中可能导致异味或有害气体产生;噪音给昔日清静的办公室制造了烦躁,目前大量使用的针式打印机噪音都在60分贝以上,超过了办公室环境45分贝的
With the popularization of computer application and the expansion of the field, more and more computers are used in the operation. The application of computers has brought about tremendous changes in people’s work, study, lifestyles and efficiency. However, the use of computers has also brought many factors that endanger the user, as the engine room staff should be deeply aware of this. First, the factors that affect the health of the engine room Staff in the operation or use of computers in the process of health may be affected by many factors that hurt, summed up the main: 1. Environmental pollution. Due to the use of chlorofluorocarbon-based materials in computer manufacturing, odor or harmful gas may be generated during use. Noise may cause irritation to the offices of the past. Currently, the heavy use of dot matrix printers is above 60 dB noise, exceeding The office environment 45 dB