Calculation of the transfer integrals in Wannier representation for a planar trans-polyacetylene cha

来源 :原子与分子物理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuhong
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In this paper, the electronic transfer integrals, the energy gap, and the bandwidth of a planar trans polyacetylene chain are calculated in Wannier representation, in which a combination of the wave function of hydrogen like atoms is used to stand for the Wannier function. When the effective nuclear charge number Z = 2.125 and the distortion amplitude of the carbon sites u =0.0038 nm, the nearest, next, and third neighbor hopping energies obtained are -3.224 78 eV, -2.388 61 eV, 0.148 14 eV, 0.006 65 eV, and 0.006 50 eV, respectively. The energy bandwidth and gap corresponding to these values are W d =11.19 eV and E g =1.70 eV, respectively. These results coincide with the experimental values. In this paper, the electronic transfer integrals, the energy gap, and bandwidth of a planar trans polyacetylene chain are calculated in Wannier representation, in which a combination of the wave function of hydrogen like atoms is used to stand for the Wannier function. When the effective nuclear charge number Z = 2.125 and the distortion amplitude of the carbon sites u = 0.0038 nm, the nearest, next, and third neighbor hopping energies obtained are -3.224 78 eV, -2.388 61 eV, 0.148 14 eV, 0.006 65 eV , and 0.006 50 eV, respectively. The energy bandwidth and gap corresponding to these values ​​are W d = 11.19 eV and E g = 1.70 eV, respectively. These results coincide with the experimental values.
目的:探讨糖基化终末产物(AGEs)激活上皮细胞钠通道(ENaC)的作用,及H2S 对抗AGEs 引起ENaC 异常激活的机制研究.方法:应用膜片钳记录爪蟾肾皮质集合管上皮细胞ENaC 电流,研究H2S 对抗AGEs 引起ENaC 激活的机制;应用共聚焦显微镜技术观察H2S 对AGEs 引起胞内活性氧水平升高的调节作用;应用分子生物学实验检测AGEs 处理后过氧化氢酶的表达水平变化.结果:AGEs
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