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这是一个人口大国从失去迁移自由到重获迁徙自由的漫长而缓慢的制度变迁史。农民,是这一历史中的沉重名词。如何使他们享以国民待遇,成为改革30年后政府制度探索的核心点。半个世纪前,我国通过户籍等一系列制度把农民固定在土地上,城乡之间形成壁垒森严的界限。多年来顽固的户籍政策虽未完全把农民挡在城市之外,但是城市、农村两种人的待遇差别和相关制度安排,还是大大消解了这一群体完全进城扎根的可能性。中国以农村供养城市的模式高速完成了工业化,代价是城乡间越拉越大的发展鸿沟。显然,这一过程伴随着巨大的制度不公和成千上万个体利益的被掠夺。而今,世界上未曾有任何一个国家像中国这样在面对全球最大迁徙潮的同时,又面对如此重大的消弭城乡、区域差别的历史任务。一切,可以从看似单纯的户口政策的变革上,找到线索。探寻户籍改革,也许也在探寻更新一轮、更高层次发展的历史契机。 This is the long and slow history of the demographic transition from the loss of freedom of movement to the return of freedom of movement. Farmers, is a heavy noun in this history. How to make them enjoy the national treatment has become the core of the exploration of the government system 30 years after the reform. Half a century ago, our country fixed the peasants on the land through a series of systems such as household registration, and formed the strict barriers between urban and rural areas. Although the hard-line household registration policy has not completely blocked the peasants from the cities over the years, the differences between the treatment of urban and rural people and the related institutional arrangements have greatly eased the possibility that this group will take root in the city completely. China has completed industrialization at a high speed in the mode of supplying cities to rural areas at the cost of a growing development gap between urban and rural areas. Obviously, this process is accompanied by a huge system of injustice and the plunder of tens of thousands of individual interests. Nowadays, no country in the world has ever faced such a historic task of dispelling the differences between urban and rural areas and regions while facing the world’s largest wave of migration like China. Everything, from the seemingly simple change of hukou policy, to find clues. Explore hukou reform, may also be exploring a new round of development at a higher level of historical opportunity.
华北电业联合职工大学结合集团公司改革发展和学校全面转向企业培训的实际情况 ,把领导干部工商管理培训作为一个为企业提供高层次培训服务和全面提高学校综合素质的契机,此项
中美鄂壮工商培训学院首期国际工商管理高级研修班抵美培训、考察,在当地引起较大反响,一些美国知名华人报刊等传媒均在黄金版面或黄金档作了较大篇幅的专题报道。 《金山时