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在中国企业的 VI 设计往往倾向以个人美感的喜好,而忽略了识别标志本质上也是一种企业精神的表征,同时也附有商业价值延伸的效益是非常可惜的,只要国内的企业能重新正视CIS 导入规划对企业经营发展的效益有计划性、长期性的务实操作,而 CIS 专业公司也能扩大规划视野与执行的宏观胸襟,通过团队成员的不同专长共识与默契,共同配合国内企业的导入需求,并且与国际水平接轨,笔者深信,不久在国际市场上将出现足以令国人引以为傲又具有世人共识认同的中国人经营的世界级优秀企业与中国人所创造的世界知名品牌,因此,在梦想尚未实现之前,国内的 CIS 规划设计空间仍然还有很大的经营发展潜力。 VI design in Chinese enterprises tend to tend to personal aesthetic preferences, while ignoring the identification mark is essentially a manifestation of the spirit of enterprise, but also attached to the effectiveness of the extension of commercial value is a pity, as long as the domestic enterprises can re-address CIS into the planning of business development and efficiency of the planned, long-term pragmatic operation, and CIS professional firms can also expand the planning perspective and implementation of the macro-mentality, through the team members of different expertise consensus and understanding, together with the introduction of domestic enterprises Demand and meet the international standards, I believe that soon, in the international market, there will be enough world-class enterprises and Chinese-owned world-renowned brands that Chinese people are proud of and have the consensus of the world. Therefore, , In the dream has not yet been achieved before the domestic CIS planning and design space still has great potential for business development.
第一条 为了适应卫星事业发展的需要,加强对卫星轨道和频率资源的管理,维护我国使用卫星轨道和频率资源的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国无线电管理条例》(以下简称《条例》
今天是星期天,我去学完画画后,妈妈发现我前面有颗牙齿很松,就带我去她工作的医院拔牙。可是牙科医生正好出去了,妈妈就亲自上阵 Today is Sunday. After I finished drawin
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春天到了,花园里的花开了,有雪白的玉兰花、火红的玫瑰花、金黄的郁金香、还有粉红的桃花……这些花的颜色真美丽,红 The spring is over, the flowers in the garden are b
 新修订的《会计法》,于 2000年 7月 1日起开始实施。这是我国会计法制建设的一件大事,是继 1993年修订的《会计法》后的又一新举措。新《会计法》对于规范会计行为,保证会计信