自我们的国家改革开放以来,很多人下海经商,在市场经济大潮中奋力拼搏, 创造了光辉的业绩,播下了一路春风,为促进经济繁荣和国家富强作出了很大贡献,一大批商战精英脱颖而出,演绎出许多动人的故事。闻名遐迩,被誉为“郑州商界翘楚”的河南泰祥汽车配件物流贸易园有限公司董事长周可祥就是其中一个不同凡响的人物。周可祥,河南省郑州市管城区人,他体魄强健,天庭饱满,面色红润,目光炯炯, 声音宏亮,言谈斯文,谦恭礼让,沉稳刚毅, 睿智精明,既有现代企业家的气质,又有传统儒商的风范,为当地工商界所敬仰。
Since the reform and opening up of our country, many people went into business in the sea and worked hard in the tide of market economy to create brilliant achievements. They sowed a spring breeze and made great contributions to promoting economic prosperity and prosperity of the country. A large number of elites Stand out, deducing many moving stories. Known as far and near, known as “Zhengzhou business leaders ” Henan Taixiang Auto Parts Logistics Trade Park Co., Ltd. Chairman Zhou Kexiang is one of the extraordinary people. Zhou Kexiang, Guancheng District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, has a strong physique, a heavenly body full of ruddy eyes, bright eyes, bright voice, gentle speech, courtesy of courtesy, calm and resolute, smart and smart, both the modern entrepreneurial temperament, there are traditional The demeanor of Confucianism is revered by the local business community.