
来源 :中国皮革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wxxsdc
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企业产品促销的手段是多种多样的,其中做广告是最直白的一种形式。可以说,广告做得好与坏,直接影响着企业形象的树立和产品的销售业绩。在皮革行业中,企业如何为其产品做广告,也是一个重要的课题。本文选择了荷兰、日本、法国的三则皮鞋广告佳作做范例进行分析,并指出了其成功之处,希望对我国皮鞋及其他皮革制品企业做广告策划时有所启发和借鉴。 The means of corporate product promotion is varied, including advertising is the most straightforward form. It can be said that advertising is doing well and bad, a direct impact on the establishment of corporate image and product sales. In the leather industry, how companies advertise their products is also an important issue. This article chooses three examples of shoe ads from Holland, Japan and France as an example, and points out its success. I hope it can inspire and learn from the advertisement planning of our country ’s shoes and other leather products enterprises.
Through the comparison study on cutting force, cutting temperature and machined surface quality with the sub-dry cutting traditional cooling method, it is shown
第 1期CMSX 2合金组织细化对γ′定向粗化行为的作用研究李金山 张万明 寇宏超等 (1)…………………………………………镁合金微弧氧化陶瓷层生长过程及微观结构的研究蒋百灵 
钒是一种神奇的元素 ,于 1 9世纪中叶被瑞典科学家发现。富于诗人素质的科学家以美丽女神凡娜迪的名字为这种新元素命名。人们很快发现 ,钒在钛合金中是一种很强的稳定剂 ,能
High speed, high resolution infrared thermography, as a non contact, full field, and nondestructive technique, was used to study the temperature variations
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。水稻育种栽培专家——殷延勃 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Rice
美国弗吉尼亚州一家公司制造了一种耐蚀性极强的新型合金。该合金特别适合在强酸性和其他腐蚀环境下使用。该合金的成分是 :镍 5 9%、铬 2 3%、钼 12 %、铌 4 %、钛 2 %。除