
来源 :中国民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ldmaispf
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农业人口占87%以上的江西省都昌县,针对市场经济条件下民兵外出多流向,流动量大的新特点,因地制宜,从实际出发,合理组编民兵组织,克服有组织无民兵或有民兵无组织的“空编”和“散漏编”现象,赋予民兵组织“实打实”的战斗力。一是打破籍地关系,在乡(村)办企业和固定经商者多的聚集地,不管是外来的人,还是本地的人,只要符合参加民兵组织条件的,一律纳入民兵组编管理对象,建立起民兵组织。二是组编基干民兵适当放宽退伍军人的 Duchang County, Jiangxi Province, whose agricultural population accounts for more than 87%, aimed at the new characteristics of migrant militias going out and flowing large quantities in market economy. In light of the actual conditions, they organized the militia groups reasonably and overcame organized non-militia or militiamen The unorganized “empty compilation” and “casual compilation” phenomenon have given the militia the “real” combat effectiveness. First, we should break the connection between cadres and land and gather in the township (village) enterprises and fixed traders for more places, whether foreign or local, as long as they are eligible for participation in the militia's organization and are all included in the management of the militia group. Set up a militia. The second is to organize the basic militias to relax the veterans appropriately
贵州平坝县人武部在人生观教育整顿中,紧密联系实际注重突出效果,做到了认识到位,方法到位,工作到位,使教育取得了显著成效。他们的基本做法是。 认识到位,高度重视教育整顿
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根据最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部、司法部的部署,我省于2004年8月开始进行社区矫正试点工作。5年多来,各级党委政府高度重视,有关部门通力协作,全省已有113个县 A