本文取上海市第一妇婴保健院1978、1979两年全部低出生体重儿的医学记录进行分析。同时取等量同天出生的正常体重儿及产母作配对对照。 本资料中低出生体重儿仅占全部活婴的2.96%,显著低于国外资料。影响其出生体重的因素很多。孕周、职业、孕期疾病、妊娠中毒症、多胎、羊膜早破、胎盘异常、新生儿畸形等因素均显示与低出生体重儿有关。 本组产妇年龄多数为25~34岁,大多数为第一胎生育,并接受了产前检查。产妇中未发现有严重营养不良。一般无吸烟习惯。均可能与本组产妇低出生体重儿百分比指标较低有关。
This article takes the Shanghai First Maternal and Child Health Hospital 1978,1979 two years of all low birth weight children’s medical records for analysis. At the same time take the same amount of same-day birth of normal weight-bearing children and motherhood paired control. The data in the low birth weight children accounted for only 2.96% of all live babies, significantly lower than the foreign data. Many factors affect their birth weight. Gestational age, occupation, pregnancy disease, gestosis, multiple births, premature amniotic membrane rupture, placental abnormalities, neonatal malformations and other factors are all associated with low birth weight children. The majority of maternal age group of 25 to 34 years old, most of the first childbearing, and accept the prenatal examination. No severe malnutrition was found in the mothers. Generally no smoking habits. May be related to the low percentage of mothers with low birth weight in this group of children indicators.