来源 :国际泥沙研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fanmw960
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A one-dimensional mathematical model for unsteady sediment transport in the Lower Yellow River is developed. A coefficient of sediment distribution is defined to represent the ratio of the bottom to the average concentration under the equilibrium conditions. The coefficient is not constant and is evaluated by using an empirical expression obtained by integrating the sediment concentration along water depth.The concentration distributions and the mean diameter distributions of suspended sediment in the transversal direction are also estimated in this model. A four-point (Preismann type) finite difference scheme and TDMA are employed in the numerical method. Three typical floods occurd in 1977,1982 and 1996, respectively, in the Lower Yellow River from Tiexie to Shunkou with a length of 393.67km are numerically simulated with the model. The computed results, such as the water stage, discharge,and sediment concentration agree well with the measured data.
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