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世界工业革命的迅猛发展,使得人们在创造物质文明和精神文明的同时,也对人类赖以生存的环境造成了污染和破坏,出现了臭氧层破坏、温室效应、干旱洪涝灾害频繁、酸雨的形成、赤潮、水资源危机、土壤沙化等现象。这些现象的出现,不仅影响当代人生活质量的提高,危及到地球的生态平衡和人类的生存,而且还影响到子孙后代的生存与发展,这一全球性的问题已经引起世界各国广泛的关注,由此,与生态环境密切相关的事物——绿色经济与绿色产业应运而生,并以旺盛的势头蓬勃发展。这一产业不仅可以改善环境、满足可持续发展的要求,而且为人类身心的健康、生活的改善提供了先决条件。发展绿色产业,绿色规划与设计显得十分重要,它是发展绿色产业的行动方案、操作指南、实施计划。而在绿 The rapid development of the industrial revolution in the world has caused people to pollute and destroy the environment on which mankind lives while creating material and spiritual civilizations. As a result, the destruction of the ozone layer, the greenhouse effect, the frequent occurrence of drought and flood disasters, the formation of acid rain, Red tide, water crisis, soil desertification and other phenomena. The emergence of these phenomena not only affects the improvement of the quality of life of contemporary people, but also endangers the ecological balance of the Earth and the survival of human beings. It also affects the survival and development of future generations. This global issue has drawn wide attention from all countries in the world. Therefore, the things closely related to the ecological environment - the green economy and the green industry came into being, and flourished vigorously. This industry can not only improve the environment and meet the requirements of sustainable development, but also provide the preconditions for the improvement of the physical and mental health and life of human beings. Development of green industry, green planning and design is very important, it is to develop the green industry action plan, operation guide, implementation plan. And in the green
张福泽同志: 我十分荣幸地通知您,您于1995年5月当选为中国工程院院士,当选名单已经国务院批准,特此通知,顺致祝贺。 朱光亚 1995年6月20日 是年59岁的空军第一研究所高级工
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The 1H NMR spectra of CTAB, SDS and Triton x-100 aqueous micellar solutions containing dimethyl phthalate have been determined. The results indicate that dimeth
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