
来源 :石油政工研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:glrioa
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基层建设是强化企业各项管理工作的基础,也是企业快速发展的前提。近几年来,抚顺石化公司始终把基层建设工作放在心上、抓在手上,积极探索新思路和新方法,强化各项措施的落实,使基层建设工作取得了显著成效。公司先后荣获全国五一劳动奖状、全国精神文明建设先进单位、全国首批重合同守信用先进单位、全国质量效益型企业,辽宁省先进党委、思想政治工作先进单位、文明单位标兵等多项荣誉称号。公司党委围绕“内强素质,外树形象,凝聚人心, 促进发展”的工作主题,进一步强化基层建设,为推动企业提高管理水平起到了积极作用。建国以来,该公司累计加工原油3.05亿吨.实现利税394亿元,并为全国各地输送了 7000多名优秀管理和技术人才。2005年,抚顺石化公司实现销售收入360亿元,同比增加78亿元,增长27.64%。一、突出抓好基层党支部建设,使之成为推动企业改革、发展与稳定的坚强堡垒首先选配好党支部书记。公司选拔一批有强烈事业心和责任感,具备一定领导能力和组织协调能力,熟悉本单位生产经营业务和党务工作的优秀干部,充实到党支部书记队伍 Grass-roots construction is to strengthen the management of various enterprises based on the rapid development of enterprises is also a prerequisite. In recent years, Fushun Petrochemical Company has always taken the grassroots construction work at its heart and grasped it. It actively explored new ideas and new methods, strengthened the implementation of various measures and made remarkable achievements in grassroots construction. The company has won many honors such as the National May 1st Labor Certificate, the National Advanced Unit of Spiritual Civilization Construction, the first batch of advanced unit in contract and keeping promises, the national quality and efficiency enterprise, the advanced party committee in Liaoning Province, the advanced unit in ideological and political work, and the civilized unit pacesetter title. The party committees of the Company focused on the theme of “building a strong internal quality, building an image of outer trees, building a united heart and promoting development” and further strengthened grassroots construction to play an active role in promoting the improvement of management level of enterprises. Since the founding of the PRC, the company has processed a total of 305 million tons of crude oil. Realized profits and taxes of 39.4 billion yuan and delivered more than 7,000 outstanding management and technical personnel to all parts of the country. In 2005, Fushun Petrochemical achieved sales of 36 billion yuan, an increase of 7.8 billion yuan, an increase of 27.64%. First, give prominence to the grass-roots party branch construction, making it a strong stronghold for promoting the reform, development and stability of enterprises. First, we must select good party branch secretaries. A number of companies selected a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility, have a certain leadership and organizational skills, familiar with the unit production and management of party work and outstanding cadres, to enrich the party branch secretary team
造石艺术家张宝贵在实现水泥制造品艺术化的道路上形成了独具特色的风格,引起国内外有关专家的广泛关注,造石艺术始终以低价位和高质量的服务赢得了信任和赞赏 Stone artist Z