来源 :Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youi
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In this paper, we analyze the pricing decision and the compensation strategy of a firm that relies on a heterogeneous sales force to sell its product in two periods. The sales agents’ selling abilities are their private information and will determine the effectiveness of the agents’ selling efforts. We introduce three compensation contract strategies, i.e. pooling, semi-separating and separating that the firm can adopt in period one and by applying principle-agent theory, derive the optimal compensation contracts and optimal price for the firm in two periods in each strategy. Comparing these three contract strategies, we found that the optimal strategy for the firm depends on the discount factor. We show that the firm will surely offer separating contracts in period one for some small discount factor, and for some large discount factor pooling contract is certain to be provided in period one. However, semi-separating contracts may be considered for some mediate discount factor, and also may not appear for all discount factors in period one. Our analysis also reveals that the optimal price decreases with the discount factor when pooling contract is offered in period one and increases with the discount factor when separating contracts is offered in period one. In this paper, we analyze the pricing decision and the compensation strategy of a firm that relies on a heterogeneous sales force to sell its product in two periods. The sales agents ’selling abilities are their private information and will determine the effectiveness of the agents’ selling efforts. We introduce three compensation contract strategies, ie pooling, semi-separating and separating that the firm can adopt in period one and by applying principle-agent theory, derive the optimal compensation contracts and optimal price for the firm in two periods in each We found that the contract strategy, we found that the optimal strategy for the firm depends on the discount factor. We show that the firm will surely offer separating contracts in period one for some small discount factor, and for some large discount factor pooling contract. is certain to be provided in period one. However, semi-separating contracts may be considered for some mediate discount factor, and als Our analysis also reveals that the optimal price decreases as the discount factor when pooling contract is offered in period one and increases with the discount factor when delaying contracts is offered in period one.
小学数学实践课的教学是以数学学科为依据,以问题为中心,以活动为主要形式,以综合性学习内容和综合性的学习方式促进学生的全面发展的课程,是数学课程标准四大版块之一,它以其鲜明的教育性、科学性、实践性、思考性、趣味性、开放性、层次性成为课改的卖点之一。  一、在情境中激发兴趣  恰当的问题情境能唤醒学生的学习热情,把教学活动安排在合乎实际的教学情境中,可以让学生积极投入问题情境中,自觉地参与数学实践的探
摘 要:成长是一种状态。真正的教育是唤醒自我的教育,唤醒个体追求真实的生命成长。一个人成长的真正意义在于他在思想和精神层面的成熟程度,一个人成长的理想境界应该是快乐、幸福而终其一生。  关键词:追求成长;学会微笑;担当责任;实现超越  中图分类号:G420 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2012)22-009-2  一所学校的理念,它体现着学校独特的文化气质、文化底蕴和治校
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