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上世纪九十年代初,我国首次提出了休闲旅游地产的概念。在众多休闲资源当中,海岸资源从来都是一个优势资源,无论是从中国人对水的渴望出发,还是从世界旅游地产的发展潮流来看,滨海度假地产都拥有极大发展空间。在这样的背景下,海南掀起了一股“以房带旅,以旅促房”的热潮。早期全国范围的消费群体也抱着对南海城市阳光、沙滩、潮湿的空气的向往,竞相奔赴海口、三亚等城市,逐渐形成了以海口、三亚为代表的“候鸟式”度假生活模式。但随着南部城市对海景资源的持续开发,以及滨海地产的不断拓展,南方市场的海岸资源日渐匮乏:例如广东的珠海、深圳,已经再难见到一线海景房了,而且分布在广袤南海岸线上的地产项目,房价也节节攀升。于是,人们转而将视线投向中国北方。大连、青岛等地由于开发较早,各类滨海项目的海景资源、交通优势都不甚明显,且房价较高。而渤海区域新近崛起的葫芦岛绥中——秦皇岛一线地带由于是后起之秀,反而隐具后发制人的优势。该地区距离北京、天津、唐山等环渤海大都市均只有3小时左右车程。一方面交通便捷远胜于青岛、大连;另一方面被覆盖在环渤海大经济区域之内,在区域经济拓展方面,具有难以估量的潜力。人均海岸线占有率高、各类配套设施完备、初次开发的高质量自然资源等等其他优势,也成为该地获得竞争优势的资本。而随着北戴河旅游度假资源逐渐被人们所认同,又一个全新的“东戴河”规划也即将呈现在我们面前…… In the early nineties of last century, China put forward the concept of leisure tourism real estate for the first time. Among many leisure resources, the coastal resources have always been a dominant resource. Whether from the Chinese desire for water or the development trend of the world’s tourism and real estate, coastal resorts have great development potential. In this context, Hainan set off a wave of “travel with a room to promote the housing to travel” boom. The early nation-wide consumer groups also clinging to the sunshine, beach and damp air of the South China Sea cities and competing for cities such as Haikou and Sanya, gradually forming a “migratory bird” holiday lifestyle represented by Haikou and Sanya. However, with the continued development of coastal resources and the continuous expansion of coastal real estate in the southern cities, the coastal resources in the southern market are increasingly scarce: for example, Zhuhai and Shenzhen in Guangdong Province are no longer able to see the first-line sea view rooms and are spread over the vast southern coastline On the real estate projects, prices are also rising. As a result, people turned their attention to northern China. Dalian, Qingdao and other places due to the development of earlier, all kinds of coastal project of the sea view of resources, transport advantages are not obvious, and higher prices. The Bohai Sea region recently emerging Huludao Suizhong - Qinhuangdao first-line zone as a rising star, but hiding a post-striker advantage. The area from Beijing, Tianjin, Tangshan and other cities around the Bohai Sea are only about 3 hours by car. On the one hand, traffic is far more convenient than that of Qingdao and Dalian; on the other hand, it is covered within the major economic zone of the Bohai Rim and has enormous potential for expansion in regional economy. Per capita coastline occupancy rate is high, all kinds of facilities are complete, the initial development of high-quality natural resources, and other advantages, but also become the capital to gain competitive advantage. With the Beidaihe tourist holiday resources gradually recognized by people, another brand new “Dong Dai” plan will soon be presented to us ...
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