Congratulations to Academician Changxu Shi on the Occasion of His Winning the 2010 Chinese Science &

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On behalf of friends and colleagues at MIT and Johns Hopkins University,as well as students and faculty at the Center for Advancing Materials Performance from the Nanoscale(CAMP-Nano) at Xi'an Jiaotong University,we would like to express our hearty congratulations to Academician Shi on the occasion of his winning the highest science and technology award of China.This very well deserved “Life Achievement Award” recognizes the brilliant scientific career of Dr.Shi.The entire disciplines of materials science and nanosciences in China should also feel much gratified by this prize,for it was Dr.Shi who had vigorously On behalf of friends and colleagues at MIT and Johns Hopkins University, as well as students and faculty at the Center for Advancing Materials Performance from the Nanoscale (CAMP-Nano) at Xi'an Jiaotong University, we would like to express our hearty congratulations to Academician Shi on the occasion of his winning the highest science and technology award of China.This very well deserved “Life Achievement Award ” recognizes the brilliant scientific career of Dr.Shi. The entire disciplines of materials science and nanosciences in China should also feel much gratified by this prize, for it was Dr.Shi who had vigorously
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1.盐味橙汁——补充体力  运动后饮用橙汁,含量丰富的果糖能迅速补充体力,而高达85%的水分更能解渴提神。特别提醒橙汁榨好后立即饮用,否则空气中的氧会使其维生素C的含量迅速降低。加点盐饮用,效果更是明显。  2.橙汁卸妆——深层洁肤  用洗面巾浸透橙汁擦拭面部皮肤,充分吸收5分钟后用清水洗净,既能卸妆,又可彻底清洁面部污垢和油脂,发挥深层洁肤功效。即使敏感的肌肤也可放心使用。但特别提醒,使用橙汁洁
本文提出直接利用经过全组合自检的卧轴多齿分度台实现经纬仪竖直角的检定.该方法缩短了检定传递链,提高了检定不确定度和检定装置的工作可靠性。 In this paper, we propose