Reverse-trace routing scheme in content centric networking

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoushucheng0533
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Content center networking(CCN)is one of the most promising future network architectures.Current researches on CCN routing scheme mainly focus on finding the best single routing path,which may induce to low usage of the in-network caches.In order to overcome this problem,a reverse trace routing(RTR)scheme is proposed in this paper,in which Interest packet is sent to the edge-cache along with the reverse trace of the corresponding former Data packet.By doing this,the Interest packets will have better chances to be routed to the promising in-network caches before reaching the source server,which could increase the in-network hit rate,while decrease the server stress.The simulation results show clearly that the RTR scheme decreases the source server load,while reducing the mean hops of entire data retrieval process under certain circumstances. Content center networking (CCN) is one of the most promising future network architectures. Current researches on CCN routing schemes mainly focus on finding the best single routing path, which may induce to low usage of the in-network caches. Order to overcome this problem, a reverse trace routing (RTR) scheme is proposed in this paper, in which Interest packet is sent to the edge-cache along with the reverse trace of the corresponding former Data packet. By doing this, the Interest packets will have better chances to be routed to the promising in-network caches before reaching the source server, which could increase the in-network hit rate, while decrease the server stress. the simulation results show that the RTR scheme decreases the source server load, while reducing the mean hops of entire data retrieval process under certain circumstances.
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内容摘要:本文通过DCT问卷调查,考察了中日道歉言语行为差异。并通过跨文化交际摩擦的实例分析,指出道歉背后隐含的价值取向、文化内涵的不等值造成期待落空、价值感缺失,才是导致跨文化交际摩擦的原因,提出只有认识到双方的不同,相互理解,才能减少分歧达到双赢。  关键词:道歉言语行为 跨文化交际 问卷调查 中日对比 文化不等值  1.引言  道歉是为了保持良好人際关系,对自己的过失及给他人带来的困扰等表示
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