1. 绪言喷射冶金是近十年内发展起来的一种炼钢新工艺,由于动力学因素显著改善,促使冶金反应可在极短的时间内完成.同时可以解决某些特殊要求的反应条件,因而在炼钢生产中受到愈来愈多的重视和广泛的应用.本文探讨了(1)对5t电弧炉和30t氧气转炉钢液采用钢包喷吹脱硫的试验结果.(2)在还原气氛条件下采用喷吹熔剂方法
1. INTRODUCTION Spray metallurgy is a new steel-making process developed in recent ten years. Due to the significant improvement of kinetic factors, the metallurgical reaction can be completed in a very short period of time. At the same time, some special requirements of the reaction conditions can be solved. (1) Experimental results on ladle desulfurization of 5t electric arc furnace and 30t oxygen steelmaking liquid using ladle blasting. (2) Under the condition of reducing atmosphere Using spray flux method