总有一些面孔叫人铭记 梦想是他们的发动机,他们是汽车的助推器

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汽车的发明创造以及每一次革命性的变革都离不开那些有梦想人的坚持和努力。工业革命的标志一蒸汽机的发明,在实现提高效率的同时,带动了全球的技术革命。汽车的发明,同样是人类交通史上的重要标志,它不仅改变着人们的交通方式和时空观念,也推动了人类现代文明的进程。在汽车被发明之前,没有人想象到汽车是什么。极富创新精神的德国人卡尔·本茨和戈特利叶·博·戴姆勒,在一百多年前发明了现代意义上的汽车,正是从那一刻起,人类逐渐告别了马车,大步走进汽车时代。尽管本质上说汽车是一个普通的代步工具,但从其特有的象征意义上来看,它超越了普通交通工具的概念,成为人类实现快速梦想的一个写照。而正是有这些满怀梦想并前赴后继地去实现的人们,带给了我们希望和追求,也引领着汽车的发展。本期《汽车消费报告》向你介绍那些汽车技术和品牌创立人的故事。历史从来都是滚滚向前,可总有一些面孔叫人永远铭记,记住这些名字吧,也许有一天我们的交通工具不再是汽车,但他们会永留史册。 The invention of the car and every revolutionary change can not be separated from the persistence and efforts of those who have dreams. The symbol of the industrial revolution The invention of a steam engine, while improving efficiency, has led the global technological revolution. The invention of a car is also an important symbol in the history of human traffic. It not only changes people’s mode of transportation and time and space, but also advances the process of modern civilization. No one imagined what a car was until the car was invented. The innovative German Karl Benz and Gottlieb Bo Daimler invented the car in the modern sense more than one hundred years ago. It is from that moment onwards that human beings gradually say goodbye to the carriage, Stride into the car era. Although automobile is an ordinary means of transportation by its very nature, its unique symbolic meaning transcends the concept of ordinary means of transport and serves as a portrayal of the dreams of a man’s rapid realization. It is precisely because of those people who have their dreams fulfilled and come forward that they have given us hope and pursuit and also led the development of automobiles. This issue of “Car Spending Report” introduces you to stories about the founder of car technology and brands. History has always been rolling forward, there are always some faces that people always remember, remember these names, maybe one day our vehicle is no longer a car, but they will keep the annals.
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