
来源 :中国广播电视学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ysgmxh
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我国动画业衰落的症结何在?从前文对动画影视危机的概述和分析中已不难得出(参见本刊1991年第6期).从国内外现状看,当今动画市场的主要出路:一是电影发行,二是电视播映,三是有线电视和录像带发行,四是影视传播手段之外的收益途径.而阻碍我国动画业发展的症结,恰恰在电影放映无利可图、电视播出不按价付酬等方面.要打开市场的大门,不改变这些不合理的状况是不行的. From the previous overview and analysis of the crisis of animation film and television is not difficult to draw (see article No. 6 of 1991.) Judging from the current situation at home and abroad, today’s animation market, the main outlet: First, the movie The second is television broadcasting, the third is the distribution of cable television and videotape, the fourth is the means of revenue other than the means of film and television broadcasting, the crux of the development of the animation industry in our country is precisely the unprofitable aspect of film screening, Pay, etc. To open the door to the market, do not change these unreasonable conditions is not enough.
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