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烟台西蒙西轴承有限公司是中国机械进出口总公司和香港华洋实业有限公司于1989年合资在烟台经济技术开发区兴建的一家以生产英制圆锥滚子轴承为主的生产经营型企业。几年来,公司从一个名不见经传的小厂发展到年创利税千余万元的先进企业。西蒙西的发展道路是一条以贯彻ISO9000系统标准为准绳、以坚持产品质量为中心,办一流企业、出一流产品、创一流效益的企业发展道路。 西蒙西公司从1993年6月开始宣传贯彻ISO9000系统标准,经过培训、编制文件、文件发布与运行、内部质量审核和质量体系认证,经过一年富有成效的工作,于1994年6月通过了国际认证机构DNV和中国商检质量认证中心的ISO9002质量体系的联合认证,同时取得了两张注册合格证书。辛勤的耕耘换来丰硕的成果,公司连续几年产销两旺,“CMC”品牌的轴承在美国市场的激烈竞争中站稳脚跟,并迅速扩展地盘,到1995年底生产能力已超过设计能力一倍多,人均年创汇万余美元,实现利税千余万元,先后荣获烟台市创汇大户、优秀三资企业、出口先进企业等称号,还被中国对外贸易经济合作企业 Yantai Xixixi Bearing Co., Ltd. is a production-operating enterprise mainly engaged in the production of tapered roller bearings in the Yantai Economic and Technological Development Zone in 1989 under the joint venture of China National Machinery Import and Export Corporation and Hong Kong Huayang Industrial Co., Ltd. Over the past few years, the company has grown from an obscure little factory to a state-of-the-art company with annual profits of more than 10 million yuan. Simon West’s development road is an enterprise development path that adheres to ISO9000 system standards as the yardstick, insists on product quality as the center, runs first-class enterprises, produces first-rate products, and creates first-class benefits. Simon West began publicizing and implementing the ISO9000 system standard in June 1993. After training, document preparation, document issuance and operation, internal quality audit and quality system certification, it passed through one year of productive work and passed international in June 1994. The joint certification of the certification body DNV and the ISO9002 quality system of the China Commodities Inspection Quality Certification Center has achieved two registration certificates. With hard work and fruitful results, the company has been prosperous in production and sales for several consecutive years. The bearings of the “CMC” brand have established a firm foothold in the fierce competition in the US market and quickly expanded the site. By the end of 1995, the production capacity has exceeded double the design capacity. More than a year, the per capita annual foreign exchange earns more than ten thousand US dollars, realizes profits and taxes of more than ten million yuan, and successively wins the title of large foreign exchange earners in Yantai, excellent foreign-funded enterprises, advanced enterprises for export, etc., and has also been a Chinese foreign trade and economic cooperation enterprise.
【美国《核新闻》 1 996年 1 1月刊第 54页报道】 美国能源部已就华盛顿州里奇兰县内汉福德专用地的液态放射性废物容器补救项目的第一期 ,与两个集团签订合同。一个集团由