
来源 :人民军医 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jingcang_wu
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3755部队四支队接受了1956年在正规训练中,由于贯彻条令不够,行政生活管理不严,卫生宣传教育和卫生监督工作做得差发生轻重外伤×××人次(占总人数50%,严重的有71名)的教训。1957年该支队采取了如下一系列的有效措拖,使外伤事故较1956年减少十倍多。一、党委重视,领导亲自抓,将预防外伤列为党委和训练计划的中心内容之一;并提出“安全训练”的口号和“三不做”(无人保险不做,有病不做,刚吃饱饭不做)的具体要求。各连提出保证,七连领导表示争取在1958年成为外伤空白连。二、大家出点子想办法,制订具体计划、公约。士兵在讨论后提出“三人一组,新老参混,生熟互助,专人保险”的器械操安全措施,取得良好效果。 3755 detachment of the four detachment accepted the formal training in 1956, due to inadequate implementation of the ordinance, lax administrative management, health education, public health education and health care work done poorly suffered trauma ××× trips (50% of the total number of serious There are 71) lessons. In 1957, the detachment adopted the following series of effective measures to reduce the number of traumatic accidents more than tenfold as compared with 1956. First, the party committee attaches importance to the leadership personally grasp the prevention of trauma as one of the core content of the party committees and training programs; and put forward the slogan of “safety training” and “three do not” (uninsured do not have Do not do the disease, just eat enough to do) the specific requirements. The company made a promise, seven with the leadership said in 1958 to become trauma blank. Second, we think of a solution, formulate specific plans, conventions. After the discussion, the soldiers proposed that the “three-person group, the new-old mixed-in, the mutual assistance of raw and cooked food, and the special-purpose insurance” should be taken to ensure the safety of the equipment.
在诠释中材国际的发展路径时,王伟董事长反复强调“逻辑”二字,记者也深刻领会到--领导者重视科学逻辑的理性思维是规范企业健康发展的准绳。 In interpreting the developm
从这个计划中可以看出103医院为消灭部队疾病的劲头很大,可供各院参考。 From this plan, it can be seen that the 103 Hospital has a great momentum to eliminate the d