Synaptic and blood-brain barrier structural changes in a rat epilepsy model induced by coriaria lact

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:buctdai
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BACKGROUND: Structural and functional synaptic changes, as well as blood-brain barrier (BBB) changes, affect the micro-environment of nervous tissue and excitation, both of which play an important role in epilepsy. OBJECTIVE: To observe synaptic and BBB ultrastructural changes in the motor cortex of a rat epilepsy model induced by coriaria lacton, and to investigate the synaptic and BBB effects on the mechanism of epilepsy. DESIGN: A randomized controlled animal experiment. SETTING: Department of Histology and Embryology, Luzhou Medical College; and Electron Microscopy Laboratory, Luzhou Medical College. MATERIALS: Twenty healthy male Sprague Dawley rats, aged 8 weeks, were chosen for this study. The rats weighed (280 ± 50) g and were supplied by the Experimental Animal Center of Luzhou Medical College. Experimentation was performed in accordance with the ethical guidelines for the use and care of animals. The animals were randomly divided into a control group and an epilepsy group, with 10 rats in each group. METHODS: This study was performed at the Department of Histology and Embryology, and Electron Microscopy Laboratory, Luzhou Medical College between February and December 2006. According to the protocol, the epilepsy group was injected with 10 μL/100 g coriaria lacton into the lateral ventricles to establish an epileptic model. The control group rats were not administered anything. Eight days after the model was established, all rats were anesthetized with ether. The motor cortex was removed and sectioned into ultrathin sections. Synaptic and BBB ultrastructural changes were observed by electron microscopy. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: ①Structural changes of three different parts of the synapses, synaptic cleft width, postsynaptic density thickness, proportion of perforation synapses, curvature of synaptic interface, and length of active zones. ②Capillary and BBB changes (endothelium, basement membrane, pericyte, and the astrocyte endfeet). RESULTS: ①Curvature of synaptic interface, length of active zones, thickness of postsynaptic density, and percentage of perforation synapses increased significantly. ② There was significant edema in the endothelium, basement membrane, and the pericyte of the epilepsy group; the electron density of the basement membrane was reduced. CONCLUSION: ① The coriaria lacton treatment altered synaptic ultrastructure, as well as BBB characteristics, in the epileptic rat model, and also improved synaptic transmission efficiency, as well as BBB permeability; ②Synaptic and BBB ultrastructural changes might play an important role in the mechanism of epilepsy. BACKGROUND: Structural and functional synaptic changes, as the as-blood-brain barrier (BBB) ​​changes, affect the micro-environment of nervous tissue and excitation, both of which play an important role in epilepsy. OBJECTIVE: To observe synaptic and BBB ultrastructural changes in the motor cortex of a rat epilepsy model induced by coriaria lacton, and to investigate the synaptic and BBB effects on the mechanism of epilepsy. Microscopy Laboratory, Luzhou Medical College. MATERIALS: Twenty healthy male Sprague Dawley rats, aged 8 weeks, were chosen for this study. The rats weighed (280 ± 50) g ​​and were supplied by the Experimental Animal Center of Luzhou Medical College. Experimentation was performed in accordance with the ethical guidelines for the use and care of animals. The animals were randomly divided into a control group and an epilepsy group, w ITH 10 rats in each group. METHODS: This study was performed at the Department of Histology and Embryology, and Electron Microscopy Laboratory, Luzhou Medical College between February and December 2006. According to the protocol, the epilepsy group was injected with 10 μL / 100 The control group rats were not administered anything. Eight days after the model was established, all rats were anesthetized with ether. The motor cortex was removed and sectioned into ultrathin sections. Synaptic and BBB ultrastructural changes were observed by electron microscopy. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: ① Structural changes of three different parts of the synapses, synaptic cleft width, postsynaptic density thickness, proportion of perforation synapses, curvature of synaptic interface, and length of active zones. changes (endothelium, basement membrane, pericyte, and the astrocyte endfeet). RESULTS: ① Curvatur e of synaptic interface, length of active zones, thickness of postsynaptic density, and percentage of perforation synapses increased significantly. ② There was significant edema in the endothelium, basement membrane, and the pericyte of the epilepsy group; the electron density of the basement membrane was reduced CONCLUSION: ① The coriaria lacton treatment altered synaptic ultrastructure, as well as BBB characteristics, in the epileptic rat model, and also improved synaptic transmission efficiency, as well as BBB permeability; ② Synaptic and BBB ultrastructural changes might play an important role in the mechanism of epilepsy.
常州市武进区从 1996年起开展农村群体化疗防治土源性线虫病 ,人群感染率从 1989年的 1.2 %下降到 2 0 0 1年的1.3 % ,住院蛔虫病病人明显减少。现对武进区 1991~ 2 0 0 1年13
编者按  关于美国学校教育,特别是公立学校教育的文章不时见诸报刊,国人也形成了美国小学课业负担轻、学习内容难度低的印象。本期作者于2017年2月至8月以访问学者的身份在美工作和學习。期间,8岁的儿子也一同赴美,进入当地一所公立学校二年级学习。借此机会,作者得以凭借“研究者”和“家长”的身份一窥美国基础教育。本刊将陆续刊发一系列关于美国基础教育的文章,希望能带给读者一些启迪和借鉴。上一期《美国公立小
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脑性瘫痪(cerebral palsy,CP)简称脑瘫,是指出生前到生后1个月内脑发育时期由多种原因引起的非进行性脑损伤所致的综合征,是儿科常见的神经系统疾病,也是导致小儿残疾的主要