The mitosis and immunocytochemistry of olfactory ensheathing cells from nasal olfactory mucosa

来源 :中华创伤杂志英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuan_98
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Objective: To culture olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) of rats in vitro and to investigate its morphology, mitosis and immunocytochemistry, and to explore if the OECs could be a new donation for transplantation. Methods: OECs were harvested from olfactory mucosa of Sprague Dawleys rats based on the differing rates of attachment of the various cell types, followed by glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), nerve growth factor (NGF), anti-low affinity receptor for NGF (NGFRp75), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) and S-100 immunocytochemistry. The morphological changes and mitosis were observed under a phase contrast microscope at different culture time.Results: Three morphologically distinct types of cells, bipolar,multipolar and flat morphology were present in the primary culture of adult rat olfactory mucosa. Mitosis was characterized by a retraction of all processes, forming a sphere that divided into spherical daughter cells, the daughter cells sent out their processes. The OECs were immunoreactive for GFAP, NGFRp75, S-100, NGF, BDNF and NT-3. Conclusions: The OECs from nasal olfactory mucosa cultivated in the medium with fetal bovine serum could survive, divide, differentiate, and express the neurotrophin. It may become an accessible source for autologous grafting in spinal cord injury.
对聚铁溶液进行 p H值和盐基度的分析和估算 ,给出了聚铁溶液的极限 p H值和极限盐基度与总溶解铁浓度的关系曲线。最终计算结果表明 :在平衡条件下 ,聚铁溶液的 p H值和盐基
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介绍了气固相光催化氧化过程的基本原理、反应动力学 ,探讨了反应器模拟和设计计算以及反应器的型式 ,综述了多相光催化反应半导体光催化剂的制备、使用和失活 ,以及大量的光
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