辽宁省干部人事制度改革的新举措 新突破

来源 :干部人事月报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Wayne_poplar
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最近,辽宁省委批转了省委组织部《关于深化组织工作改革的意见》(辽委发[1993]13号),提出了一系列干部人事制度改革的新举措,使全省的干部人事制度改革迈出了新步伐。对市、县(市)区党政领导班子和省直部门领导班子及其成员实行目标管理。班子以经济发展、党的建设和精神文明建设为主要目标。班子成员按职责分工,确定个人的具体目标,每年终对领导班子成员进行评议,实行上级主管部门评议与群众评议相结合,考核干部,重点考核目标完成情况,并以能否实现目标作为干部任用的主要依据。对连续两年无特殊原因完不成目标任务的,进行调整。增加党政班子交叉兼职人数,加大领导经济工作的力度。在不增加党政班子成员总职数的情况下, Recently, the Liaoning Provincial Committee approved the Proposal on Deepening the Reform of the Organization Work (Liao Fa Fa [1993] No. 13) proposed by the Provincial Party Committee Organization Department and proposed a series of new measures for the reform of the cadre and personnel system so that the cadres and personnel Institutional reform has taken a new step. The city and county (city) district party and government leading bodies and provincial departments and leading members of the target management. The main goal of the team is economic development, party building and spiritual civilization. The members of the team are divided according to their duties and responsibilities to determine the individual’s specific goals. Each year, members of the leading bodies are deliberated, and the evaluation of cadres at the higher levels and the assessment of the masses are carried out. The accomplishments of the cadres and key assessment targets are examined. The main basis. For two consecutive years without a special cause can not reach the target task, be adjusted. Increase the number of cross-part-time members of the party and government groups, and increase the intensity of leading economic work. Without increasing the total number of members of party and government groups,
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