农业害虫的发生与防治 第七讲 害虫的化学防治及其技术(一)

来源 :江苏农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:serene_he
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一、化学农药的发展历史与展望 人类在长期的农业生产实践中,为了从虫口夺粮,与害虫作了不懈的斗争。早在战国时代的《周礼》一书中就提到劳动人民用莽草、蜃炭灰、牡鞠、嘉草等烟熏或撒粉驱杀害虫,这是世界上使用土农药防治害虫的最早记载。自19世纪60年代前后,农药开始工厂化生产。农药正式在市场作为商品销售以来,其发展已历经三代,并开始向第四代发展。 第一代农药(1860~1945年)是低效农药。这一时期生产的化学农药大多数是无机化合物,如砷酸铅、氟铝酸钠等。这类农药都只有胃毒作用,仅对咀嚼式口器害虫有效,且药效低,用量大,对哺乳动物的口服急性毒性高,对禽鸟和鱼类有毒。有的 First, the history and prospects of the development of chemical pesticides In the long-term practice of agricultural production, in order to seize grain from insects, and pests made a tireless struggle. As early as in the Warring States Period, “Zhou Li,” a book mentions that smokers or powdery farmers use mangosteen, moss ash, turtles, orchids to kill pests. This is the world’s use of soil pesticides to control pests The earliest record. Since the 1960s, pesticides began to be factory-produced. Since the formal sale of pesticides as a commodity in the market, its development has gone through three generations and started to develop to the fourth generation. The first generation of pesticides (1860 ~ 1945) is inefficient pesticides. The majority of chemical pesticides produced during this period were inorganic compounds such as lead arsenate and sodium fluoroaluminate. These pesticides are only stomach poisoning effect, only chewing mouthparts pests effective, and low efficacy, dosage, oral acute toxicity to mammals, toxic to birds and fish. some
甘薯跳盲蝽Halticus minutus Reuter属半翅目盲蝽科。此虫国内记载为害甘薯、大豆、花生等,而我省用于生食的凉薯近年受害十分严重,为进行安全有效的防治,我们于1985—1986
棉蚜在内地发生历史已久,在新疆近几年发生量也不断上升,严重危害棉花和瓜类生产。 据新疆植保文献记载:在新疆危害棉花的蚜虫有棉黑蚜、棉长管蚜和拐枣蚜三种。库尔勒垦区
歌曲《最美丽的萨日朗》是一首动感的草原风歌曲,整首歌曲旋律优美,歌词朗朗上口,希望你们会喜欢。 The song “The most beautiful saran lang” is a dynamic grassland s
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