It is well-known that many of Mayerkowski’s addresses in Pasternak’s poetry, essays and letters are well known. First of all, people will think of some chapters in his poems, “To Mayakovsky,” “The Death of a Poet,” and Autobiographical Prose “Security Certificate,” and “Man and Things.” In Pasternak at different times, different genres, different styles of speech always runs through the same kind of thinking, in essence, roughly: in Russian poetry, Mayakovsky is a talented poet, tragic Poet. The poet’s misfortune is that he failed to fully play and show his genius. His self-affirmation of his pursuit of individuality in the face of history, society and government prevented him from doing so. There is also an article by Pasternak about Mayakovski’s presentation. It is the speech of Pastanak on April 12, 1933, at Moscow University commemorating the third anniversary of the death of Mayakovski (an uncorrected shorthand note for the party was kept in the Central Soviet National Archives of Literature Prior to this announcement, only the obvious errors of the stenographers were corrected. As he wrote in the “Security Certificate” published two years ago, he spoke in his speech about the poet’s unconvincing view of romanticism and romantic imagination, primarily as a poet’s life. According to Pasternak, this romantic imagination dominates Bullock, which is more pronounced in Mayakovsky and Yesenin. But in Pastznake’s speech, the overly harsh criticism of “security credentials” eased. Pasternak has no previous denial of meaning when it comes to talking about the poet’s personality more than he describes in his work. As we all know, Pasternak’s subsequent fate, we will conclude that even for himself this view is entirely correct. According to Pasternak, Mayakovski, as a poet, is essentially revolutionary. However, his revolutionary nature does not coincide with some kind of political program, but rather his performance in his poetry, which in essence is tragic. As if gazing in a mirror at another great poet confronting him in many ways, Pasternak is pondering his fate and contemplating his own life strategy.