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这些年来,我省一些地、县林业部门,先后实行了营林科技承包。营林科技承包是科技兴林的重要措施之一,应大力推广,不断完善并持之以恒。营林科技承包好外甚多。其一,营林科技承包,科技人员在营林生产中的权、责、利明确,避免了干和不干一个样,干多干少一个样,干好干坏一个样的弊端,有利于充分调动和发挥科技人员的积极性。其二,营林科技承包,实现了科学技术与营林生产的紧密结合,有利于把科学技术转化为生产力。其三,营林科技承包,既能使科技人员把所学到的知识直接用于生产,又能使科技人员在生产实践中不断丰富自己,提高自己。此外,营林科技承包还能使科技人员在生产过程中广泛传授科学知识,有利于提高群众 In recent years, some prefectures and counties in our province forestry departments have successively implemented the contracting of forestry and forestry science and technology. Forestry contracting is one of the important measures for forestation of science and technology. It should be vigorously promoted, constantly improved and persevered. Forest science and technology contract is much better outside. First, the contracting of scientific and technological forestry, scientific and technological personnel in the forest production rights, responsibilities and benefits clear, to avoid a dry and do not do the same kind, dry and dry less like a, do a good job bad kind of drawbacks, is conducive to Fully mobilize and give full play to the enthusiasm of scientists and technicians. Second, the contracting of science and technology in Yinglin has brought about the close combination of science and technology with the production of silviculture and is conducive to transforming science and technology into productive forces. Third, the contracting of forestry science and technology not only enables scientists and technicians to use the knowledge they have learned directly for production, but also enables science and technology personnel to continuously enrich themselves and improve themselves in production practice. In addition, the contracting of forestry and forestry science and technology also enables scientific and technological personnel to extensively impart scientific knowledge in the production process and is conducive to raising the masses
周恩来是中华人民共和国的开国总理,中国共产党20世纪20年代至70年代中期的领导者之一。  杨匏安是中国共产党最早的党员、理论家之一,也是大革命、第一次国共合作时期,以个人身份加入国民党担任较高职务的共产党人。  在杨匏安生前,周恩来敬重杨匏安;杨匏安英勇就义后,周恩来关心杨匏安的亲属,珍视杨匏安留下的精神财富,希望中国共产党的党员以杨匏安为楷模。  一、广东相识  周恩来是1924年7月从欧洲启
最近,国务院决定适当调整农林特产税税率,并就有关问题专门通知如下: 一、对大宗农林特产收入仍实行全国统一税率:海淡水养殖收入由10%降为8%,其中,水珍品收入由15%降为8%;水果