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我庫几年来在儲运?芊矫嫠湟不竦靡欢ǔ煽?但存在問题很多,生虫、發霉、变質等現象不断發生,远远不能滿足形势的發展和工作的需要。檢查过去保管养护不好的主要原因有如下几点: 一对药材保管的特殊性认识不足中药材一般都是草根树皮,許多品种是野生植物,有时丰产数量很大,即暫时存量較大,有时减产即要脫銷或供应紧張。如川芎、蒼术等。不少品种季节性很强,在生产期間雨量过大过小或天气好坏都会影响到药材生产的質量。在种类上除去植物外,还有水产、矿产、飞禽、虫类、兽类等多种多样。性質成分各有不同,有的含油脂,有的粉性、甜性很大,香味很濃械膶儆谌庑?大部品种容易生虫發霉,还有的怕風、怕冻、怕热。包裝規格不一,損耗多,体积大等。都表現了药材商品的产量不正 In the past few years, my library has been busy in storing and transporting goods. However, there are many problems, and worms, mildew, and deterioration are constantly occurring, which are far from meeting the needs of the development of the situation and the need for work. The main reasons for the poor inspection and conservation in the past are as follows: The lack of understanding of the specificity of a pair of herbal medicines is usually grass root bark, many varieties are wild plants, sometimes a large number of high yield, that is, a large temporary stock , Sometimes production cuts are out of stock or supply is tight. Such as Chuanxiong, Atractylodes and so on. Many varieties are very seasonal, and excessive rainfall during production or weather may affect the quality of medicinal production. In addition to the types of plants removed, there are a variety of aquatic products, minerals, birds, insects, and mammals. The nature of the ingredients are different, some contain fats, some powdery, sweet, very strong aroma, most of them are easy to be insects moldy, and some afraid of the wind, fear of freezing, afraid of heat . Packaging specifications vary, loss, volume and so on. All show that the production of medicinal products is not correct
浮萍(Lemna minor)含游离和酯化的脂肪酸成分。现又分得4个已知的异戊间二烯化合物和1个新的二萜,由光谱和化学方法决定其结构为直链二萜二醇(4 R)-4-hydroxy-isophytol(la)
对十字花科芸苔属植物,欧洲油菜花粉B.napus L.以索姆洁氏法测得还原糖25.5%,总可溶性糖27.1%,多糖2.59%;以凯达尔法测得全氮量2.86%,蛋白17.88%;以日立835-50型氨基酸自动分
简明报导贝母植物碱化学结构的研究。 Briefly reported on the chemical structure of Fritillaria plant base.