
来源 :中国酒 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guoxiuguo
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两千年以前,罗马人把他们喜欢喝的葡萄酒带到德国,并向德国人输入了葡萄种植和葡萄酒的酿造技术,令人愉快的发现,产自这个地区的葡萄酒别有一番风味,在此之后的悠悠岁月里,经过葡萄种植者,中世纪僧人,酒窖师和近代科学家经年累月的辛勤劳动和研究,致使德国葡萄酒如今以其名贵的品牌,高贵典雅的文化底韵,优异的质量,为葡萄酒——这一源远流长的人类文化产品,增添了异彩。和世界上绝大多数葡萄酒生产国不同,德国是地球上纬度最北的葡萄酒产国,这里的葡萄园大都经过慎重的选择,位于河谷地带。此地的葡萄生长周期长,加上葡萄生长过程中令人羡慕的间或潇潇细雨为葡萄提供了适宜的水分,使其受益不浅。这里的葡萄在不太炎热的气候条件下慢慢成熟,用它们酿成的酒保持了水果酸度和自然成熟的酸甜均衡,而使这里的葡萄酒带有特殊的风味浓度,果味浓郁,气味芬芳,特殊的土壤条件也是德国盛产名种葡萄的独到之处,当酒农捏一把河谷地带的板岩和含有不同矿物质的沃土时,欢愉之情溢于言表,因为这样的土壤条件不仅提供了葡萄生长的必要重要条件,而且为葡萄酒带来了对人体健康有益成分和特别的香味。喝到这样的酒时可以品出酒中的“十”味,行家们如是说,天时,地利,方使世代好酒辈出。 Two thousand years ago, the Romans took the wine they liked to drink to Germany, and imported German wine and wine brewing technology to the Germans. It was a delightful discovery that wines produced in this area had a distinct flavor, and then they In the past years, after years of hard work and research by winegrowers, medieval monks, cellar divisions and modern scientists, German wines nowadays are distinguished by their noble brands, noble and elegant cultural background, and excellent quality. A long history of human cultural products has added splendor. Unlike most wine producing countries in the world, Germany is the northernmost wine producing country on the planet. Most of the vineyards here have been carefully selected and located in the valley. The long growth cycle of the grapes here, coupled with the envy of the grapes during the occasional or drizzle, provides the grapes with suitable moisture and benefits them. The grapes here ripen in less hot climates, and the wines that they use maintain the acidity and balance of the fruit’s acidity and natural ripeness. This makes the wines with special flavor concentrations, fruity odors and odors. Fragrant and special soil conditions are also unique to Germany’s famous grape varieties. When the wine grower slate a slate in a valley area and a fertile soil containing different minerals, the pleasure is stimulating, because such soil conditions not only provide The essential conditions for the growth of the grapes, and the wine brings beneficial ingredients and special aromas to human health. When you drink such a wine, you can taste the “ten” taste of the wine. The experts say that the time and place are good for generations.
花纹  我的爱情  和它一样  安静  隐晦  藏在书页间  衬托文字  它被印在衣服上  与我同行  在所有你知道的  四季  我穿素净的棉布  没有花纹  它在  衣服里的那颗心上  肆意蔓延  伸展触角  盛开  此时  我的爱情  揪住了我的身体  近乎窒息  初春的雨  我经过一个看雨的老人  她倚着门框微微地笑  望着人群  望着我  在这初春的雨中  她苍老的脸被映成  浅浅的诗行 
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我国建材产品流行呈现四大趋势。 精品高档、名牌建材精品销售较畅,订货增加反映了市场需求。全国建材展销会的参展建材精品约占总展品的40%,面向住宅产业现代化的新型墙体材
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