广宁县新楼公社长安第四生产队,自1969年以来,连续七年培育杉苗,为造林提供了20多万亩的苗木,平均苗高达50—60厘米,径粗0.4—0.5厘米。他们在育苗中,坚持自力更生配制土农药,防治病虫害,积累了好的经验,为林业生产做出了积极贡献。现将他们的主要做法介绍如下: 1.选地:圃地选在半阳坡,日照时间6小时左右,土质疏松,排水良好,水源充足,杂草少的地方。
The fourth production team of Chang’an, a new company in Guangning County, since 1969, has provided fir seedlings for seven consecutive years and provided more than 20 million mu of seedlings for afforestation. The average seedling height is 50-60 cm and the diameter is 0.4-0.5 cm. In breeding their seedlings, they insisted on self-reliance in the preparation of soil pesticides, prevention and control of pests and diseases, and accumulated good experience, which made a positive contribution to forestry production. Now their main practices are introduced as follows: 1. Selection: Garden selection in the semi-sunny slope, about 6 hours of sunshine time, soil loose, well drained, adequate water, weeds and less places.