
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iamchinese
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改革刑事技术工作,是适应形势发展的必然早在50年代初期,徐州市就被省厅确定为刑事技术点,同时,也是苏、鲁、豫、皖四省结合部地区较有影响的技术检验、鉴定中心。在1980年之前的二十几年中,承担了全市所有刑事案件的现场勘查和物证检验工作;进入80年代以来,徐州市的三级技术点升为二级点,各县(市)、区也相继建立了三级技术点,随之一些较为先进的仪器、设备装备到各技术点,从事技术工作的同志,经过统一考试,被公安部评定了相应的技术职称,初步形成了从勘查到检验,从初级到中级的检验鉴定机构,承担起对各类刑事案件及非刑事案件的尸、活体、痕迹物证的检验鉴定任务,初步实现了“三个转变”:一是在职能上,由宏观控制向微观指导上的转变;二是在检验范围上,由常规检验向微量物证检验方面的转变;三是在检验能力上,由低能向高能转变。从而使全市的刑事技术工作逐步走上规范化的轨道。近几年来,随着改革开放的逐步深化,跨国犯罪的大量增多以及刑事犯罪智能化的不断出现,加之市场经济对刑事技术人员的冲击,使旧的体制和管理模式受到挑战,接踵而来的是诸多过去不曾遇到过的问题:一是从人员的思想状况上看,相当一部分同志认为搞技术在政治上进步慢;经济上不实惠;工作上风险大。普遍存在不愿干的想法;有的人不思进取,满足于一知半解, Reforming Criminal Technology Work Is Necessary for Adapting to the Development of the Situation As early as the early 1950s, Xuzhou was identified as a criminal technical point by the provincial government department and the most influential technical test in the joint areas of the four provinces of Jiangsu, Shandong, Henan and Anhui provinces Identification Center. In the twenty years prior to 1980, it undertook on-the-spot investigation and evidence verification of all the criminal cases in the city. Since the 1980s, the tertiary technical point of Xuzhou has been upgraded to a second-level point. The counties (cities) and districts Also have established three technical points, followed by some of the more advanced equipment, equipment, equipment, technical points, technical work comrades, after a unified examination, the Ministry of Public Security appraised the corresponding technical titles, initially formed from the investigation to Test, from primary to intermediate inspection and appraisal agencies, to assume all kinds of criminal cases and non-criminal cases of dead, living, traces of evidence of the inspection and identification tasks, the initial realization of “three changes ”: First, functionally , From macro-control to micro-guidance on the change; the second is the scope of the test, from the conventional test to the trace evidence test changes; third test capability, from low energy to high energy change. So that the city’s criminal technical work gradually onto the track of standardization. In recent years, with the gradual deepening of the reform and opening up, the massive increase of transnational crimes and the continuous emergence of criminal intelligence, coupled with the impact of the market economy on criminal technicians, the old system and management model have been challenged, and the ensuing Is a problem many have never encountered in the past: First, from the ideological position of personnel, quite a few comrades think that making technology is politically slow; that it is economically unprofitable; and that it is risky at work. There are ubiquitous ideas that are unwilling to do; some do not think of making progress, are content with perplexity,
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