加快培养高层次法律人才——中国政法大学宁夏函授总站 中华全国律师函授中心宁夏辅导总站简介

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中国政法大学宁夏函授总站的成人高等法学教育已走过了22年的光荣历程。1982年中国政法大学在宁夏司法厅建立函授站,从此使中国政法大学的法学教育事业从无到有,从小到大,从单一到多层次发展,走出了一条立足政法、面向社会的办学新路子。20多年来,在各级领导特别在是司法厅党委的关心和大力支持下,中国政法大学宁夏函授总站累计招生3009人,已毕业19届,共计2008名学员。中华全国律师函授中心宁夏辅导总站创建于1989年,10多年来,在司法部中华律函中心的指导下,在自治区司法厅的直接领导及教育部门和社会各界的大力支持下,律函工作从起步到完美,已经得到了长足的发展,律 China University of Political Science and Law Ningxia correspondence terminus Adult Higher Law Education has gone through 22 years of glorious history. In 1982, China University of Political Science and Law set up a correspondence station in Ningxia Justice Department. From then on, China University of Politics and Law’s legal education career grew up from scratch, from small to large, and from a single to multi-level development, came out a new way of running a school based on politics and law and facing the society . For more than 20 years, leaders of all levels, especially the party committee of the Ministry of Justice, have given a total enrollment of 3,009 students and have graduated 19 sessions with a total of 2008 trainees under the care and support of the CPC Committee of Justice Department. The All-China Lawyer Correspondence Center Ningxia Counseling Terminus was founded in 1989. Over the past 10 years, under the guidance of the China Law Center of the Ministry of Justice and under the direct leadership of the Department of Justice and strong support from the education department and all sectors of society, Started to perfection, has been a long development, law
各省、自治区、直辖市司法厅(局),新疆生产建设兵团司法局: 中国公证员协会制订的《公证员职业道德基本准则》(以下简称《基本准则》)已经司法部同意,现印发你们,请认真贯彻
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