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运用短寿命T抑制细胞(TS)活性测定的方法分别检测了9例流产史孕妇和8例正常孕妇的TS细胞活性;同时在反应体系中分别加入流产史孕妇血浆和正常孕妇血浆,以观察其对TS活性的影响。结果发现流产史孕妇和正常孕妇的TS细胞本身的活性并无差别;同时发现流产史孕妇血浆有降低孕妇TS细胞活性的作用,推测流产史孕妇血浆中可能存在能降低孕妇TS细胞活性的特异和/或非特异的“抑制因子”,而作为对照的正常孕妇血浆有提高孕妇TS细胞功能的效应,推测正常孕妇血浆中可能存在能使孕妇TS细胞活性提高的特异和/或非特异的“刺激因子”。这提示,在其自身血浆的作用下,流产史孕妇的TS细胞活性降低可能是导致习惯性流产的原因之一。因本文例数尚少,以上结论有待进一步研究。 The TS cell activity of 9 pregnant women with miscarriage history and 8 normal pregnant women were detected by the method of measuring the activity of short-lived T-suppressor (TS) cells. At the same time, the plasma of pregnant women and normal pregnant women were respectively added to the reaction system to observe their TS activity Effect on TS activity. The results showed that the abortion history of pregnant women and normal pregnant women’s TS cell itself, there is no difference in activity; also found that abortion history of pregnant women to reduce the activity of TS cells in pregnant women, presumably miscarriage history of pregnant women may reduce TS activity in pregnant women specific and / Or non-specific “inhibitory factor”, whereas the normal pregnant women’s plasma as a control had the effect of improving TS cell function in pregnant women, suggesting that there may be specific and / or non-specific “stimuli” in the plasma of normal pregnant women that can increase TS cell activity in pregnant women factor". This suggests that reduced TS cell activity in pregnant women with abortion may be one of the causes of habitual abortion under the action of their own plasma. Due to the small number of cases in this article, the above conclusion needs further study.
预测是现代管理工作中的一门科学。本文拟就探讨高校图书馆工作预测方面的问题。 一、高校图书馆预工测工作的必要性 图书馆的预测工作,对提高馆藏图书资料质量,提高馆藏图
一、前言活塞是汽车发动机重要零件之一,在汽缸内完成能量的转换任务,也就是把燃烧气体的化学能转换成机械能,它承受高压、高温(200~300℃)气体的作 I. Introduction Piston
企业如何认真贯彻落实《职业教育法》,如何依法改革和发展职业教育?笔者就此谈四点粗浅认识。 一、把企业职业教育纳人法制化轨道 在由计划经济向社会主义市场经济转变的过
荷兰位于欧洲西北部,濒临北海。受洋流的影响,每到夏季,就有大批鲱鱼洄游到荷兰北部的沿海区域。   14世纪时,荷兰人口不到100 万,却有近20 万人从事渔业,在当时,荷兰人每年可以从北海中捕获超过1000万公斤的鲱鱼,小小的鲱鱼为五分之一的荷兰人提供了生计,并成为荷兰人的经济支柱。   荷兰人不敢想象,没有了鲱鱼,生活会是什么样子。   但是,造物主并没有给荷兰人独享鲱鱼的权利,生活在北海边的其
本文论述了情报研究工作的属性、涵义及其社会功能,并从综述研究、特定用户的决策研究等方面进一步探讨了其发展趋势。 This paper discusses the attributes, connotations
患者,男,24岁,结婚3~+年。婚后1年,其妻怀孕8个月无诱因早产一男婴,存活约6 h。随后又晚期流产2次,均在怀孕5~6月间发生,1次为双胎。2次晚期流产共3个男婴,均系活产,出生后约