Liver transplantation in a patient with massive polycystic liver disease

来源 :国际肝胆胰疾病杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:buyezhicheng
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Polycystic liver disease (PLD) is a genetic disorder [1] that is di- agnosed by presence of multiple hepatic cysts. Clinical manifesta- tions of PLD are related to the size of hepatic cysts and associated complications. In the early stage, PLD rarely causes any symptoms. However, patients with advanced stage PLD have a variety of clin- ical manifestations and complications due to severe hepatomegaly. They include abdominal pain, abdominal distension, dyspepsia, as- cites and many others that may result from compression of ad- jacent tissue or organ failure [ 2 , 3 ]. Surgical treatment of PLD in- cludes: aspiration with or without sclerotherapy, cyst fenestration, hepatectomy and liver transplantation. Despite some researchers have concluded that cyst fenestration or hepatectomy is effective in treatment of PLD [4–6] , the only curative surgical option in se- vere patients is liver transplantation [ 7 , 8 ]. All other types of surg- eries present a great challenge to a surgeon, having little or no ef- fect when cysts are diffuse, or even contraindicated due to possi- bility of life-threatening complications arising during or after the procedure. Herein, we report a case of 51-year-old male diagnosed with massive PLD complicated by abdominal adhesion, liver cirrho- sis, splanchnic varices and ascites that successfully underwent liver transplantation.
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记2020年度“简阳工匠”黄晓丽  【先锋人物】  黄晓丽,今年46岁,2000年毕业于四川大学化学纤维专业,同年入职海大橡胶集团,前3年从事生产制造岗位,后转到技术部任职,潜心轮胎结构设计长达17年,现担任结构设计处处长、高级工程师。  专利技术源自细心打磨  黄晓丽是简阳市羊马镇人。说起与海大橡胶集团的缘分,黄晓丽回忆道:“我在择业时非常坚定,就想留在家乡照顾我的妈妈,另一方面是看好轮胎制造业