Recto-vestibular disruption defect resulted from the malpractice in the treatment of the acquired re

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liusiyu111
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AIM: To explore the pathogenesis of the rectovestibular disruption (RVD) defect and to recommend a successful repair, and prevention of it. METHODS: Clinical records of 15 girls, age ranged from 3 to 15 (median, 7.5) years, with acquired rectovestibular fistula (RVF) mistreated before were retrospectively reviewed. All of them presented an abnormal appearance of perineum and were suffering from some degree of fecal incontinence, and those were graded Ⅲ to Ⅳ by Li Zheng’s Score. Repair of anal sphincters and reconstruction of perineum body and skin by anterior perineal rectoanoplasty were performed in all cases. RESULTS: Operation in all cases was successful. The perineum looked practically normal and fecal continence score rose up to VI by Li Zheng’s Score. CONCLUSION: The conventional treatment for anal fistula, lay-open or string-treatment, should be considered as malpractice of RVF, and certainly leads to the RVD defect, and the anterior perineal rectoanoplasty could cure it satisfactorily. AIM: To explore the pathogenesis of the rectovestibular disruption (RVD) defect and to recommend a successful repair, and prevention of it. METHODS: Clinical records of 15 girls, age ranged from 3 to 15 (median, 7.5) years, with acquired rectovestibular Fistula (RVF) mistreated before were retrospectively reviewed. All of them presented an abnormal appearance of perineum and were suffering from some degree of fecal incontinence, and those were were graded Ⅲ to Ⅳ by Li Zheng’s Score. Repair of anal sphincters and reconstruction of perineum body and percutaneous anterior perineal rectoanoplasty were performed in all cases. RESULTS: Operation in all cases was successful. The perineum was practically normal and fecal continence score rose up to VI by Li Zheng’s Score. CONCLUSION: The conventional treatment for anal fistula, lay- open or string-treatment, should be considered as malpractice of RVF, and certainly leads to the RVD defect, and the anterior perineal rectoanoplasty could cure it sat isfactorily.
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