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在近现代的世界文坛上,“复仇”题材已屡见不鲜。继大仲马的基度山伯爵之后,形形色色的复仇英雄纷纷登场,刀光血影不绝于文坛。但是,日本小说《夜路岌岌》中的复仇“女神”却在复仇之役稳操胜券的时候,悄然退去,投身于大自然的怀抱,安然死去。她的复仇,犹如一道投向夜空的闪电,瞬息即逝,但却给人们留下深深的思索。从这个意义上说,《夜路岌岌》与其说是一篇复仇故事,莫如说是一部发人深省的社会小说。旭糖公司的经理麻生幸之助在激烈的股票交易中破产了,残酷的竞争迫使他自杀身亡。他的女儿麻生康子不顾一切地投身于“总会商”们以控制股票为掠夺手段的交易场,向置父亲于死地的“总会商”小头目立石俊辅宣战,誓以“其人之道还治其人之 In modern world literary world, “revenge” theme has been uncommon. Following the Dumas Matilda Earl, all kinds of revenge heroes have debut, Dying novels in the literary world. However, the revenge “goddess” in the Japanese novel “The Night Lost Wave” retreated quietly when the Vengeance Service steadily won the prize, engaging in the embrace of nature and safely died. Her revenge, like a lightning into the night sky, fleeting, but it gives people a deep thought. In this sense, “Nightfall is not so much a revenge story as a thought-provoking social novel. Asahi Sugar’s manager, Aso Yoshinobu, went bankrupt in the fierce stock exchange and forced him to commit suicide by brutal competition. His daughter, Atsuko, desperately devoted himself to the ”trading floor“ where the ”General Chamber of Commerce“ controlled the stock as a means of plunder, and declared Shih-Shu Fu, a small head of the ”General Chamber of Commerce“ who put his father to death, vowed to ” Road also cure their people
宝埂今无一个人艟.可要r一 一’_h 勇敢蛾{妈妈走了,境宠{宝贝跟谁睡? 宝 埂 no one 艟 today. But r one one ’_h brave moth {Mom gone, pet habit {baby with whom to
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托尔斯泰,托尔斯泰! 您不仅不是神, 而且您“比人还人”! 题记 1 已经有八、九年了,我有空便读关于您的各种传记和回忆录,而且时断时续地译着古谢夫为您编写的大型《年谱》
Cultural identity has become one of the forefront issues in both literary and cultural studies today.Among the writings in different cultural areas, the Chinese
告别了, 魅影重重的花园, 饰有绿色花环的无声的桂冠, 秋天的土地! 远方的生活, 向荒凉不毛的山坡, 用粗犷嘈杂的声音呼喊, 山坡在落日的余辉下染上刺眼的红光。生活又向垂
从出生后3个月开始,宝宝便开始向看得到的东西伸出手了。在此后的3个月里,宝宝从被动的、没有自由的环境适应过来,开始对自己的世界主动伸手探索。 Three months after birt