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猝倒病俗称“小脚瘟”,是茄子苗期主要病害之一。发病严重时可使幼苗成片死亡以致毁种。抓好茄子猝倒病的防治是搞好育苗的一项关键措施。 1.病害症状:幼苗发病在近地面茎基部。先是水渍状病斑,接着病部变黄褐色并缢缩变细,在子叶凋萎之前就倒伏。开始个别幼苗发病,几天后就成片猝倒。高温多湿时,病部及附近床面上可观察到一层白色棉絮状的菌丝。 2.发病原因:猝倒病病菌属鞭毛菌亚门腐霉属真菌,以卵饱子在土中越冬,种子也可带菌传播病害。茄子为喜温作物,育苗期间苗床温度过低,如长期在15℃以下,不利幼苗生长,容易发病。此外,育苗期间若光照不足、苗床湿度大、育苗室通气状况不 Dumping disease known as “small foot plague” is one of the main diseases of eggplant seedling stage. Severe disease can make seedlings die so as to devastate. Do a good job eggplant damping-off prevention and treatment is a key measure to do a good job nursery. 1. Disease symptoms: seedling incidence in the ground near the base of the stem. First, the water stain-like lesions, then the Ministry of disease turned yellowish brown and shrunk thin, caked before cotyledons lodging. The onset of individual seedlings, a few days later into a film cataplexy. When the temperature is high and wet, a layer of white cottony mycelium can be observed on the diseased part and nearby bed surface. 2. The cause of the disease: damping off bacteria is a flagellum Phytophthora subfamily fungi to winter in the soil with the hen in the soil, the seeds can also carry the disease spread. Eggplant is a thermophilic crop, seedling bed temperature during incubation is too low, such as long-term below 15 ℃, adverse seedling growth, easy to disease. In addition, if there is insufficient light during the seedling raising period, the seedbed humidity is high and the nursery ventilation is not
金融改革是哈萨克斯坦经济向市场经济过渡进程中重要的组成部分。 1 995年 ,哈开始银行改革 ,1 996年 1 2月 ,哈国家银行宣布全国银行开始向国际标准过渡 ,并据此加强了对二
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目的 探讨微小RNA-423-5p(miR-423-5p)对脂多糖(LPS)诱导血管内皮细胞损伤的保护及作用机制.方法 用1 mg/L LPS诱导人脐静脉血管内皮细胞(HUVECs)24 h,Real-time PCR和Wester