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在山東半鳥的最東端,在旭日早早升起的黄海之濱,好當家集團以其優越的地理位置迎接着八面來風,以昂首弄潮的姿態焕發出勃勃生機。這裏三面環海,物豐人杰,附近擁有中國北方最大的渔港--石鳥港;向東與日本群鳥、朝鲜半鳥隔海相望,毗鄰威海機場、煙臺機場,外接威石高速公路,水、陸、空交通便利,是中國山東對外開放的黄金地帶。初識好當家集團董事長唐傳勤, 就被他身上那種堅定而自信的風度所感 At the eastern end of Shandong’s half-bird, on the shores of the Yellow Sea, where the early rising of the sun rises, the Horadin Group welcomes all directions with its excellent geographical location and rejuvenates itself in an invigorating manner. Here surrounded by the sea on both sides, rich material Jie, near the largest fishing port in northern China - Stone Bird Harbor; East and the Japanese birds, North Korea across the sea across the sea, adjacent to Weihai Airport, Yantai Airport, the external Granville Highway, water, Land and air transport facilities, is China’s Shandong opening up the golden zone. Tang Chuan-qin, the chairman of the board of directors of Dangda Group, was touched by the firm and confident attitude on him
Polar Mount在TVRO天线中的应用与在射电天文望远镜中的应用是有重要区别的。本文在分析这种区别的同时,着重介绍了作者从实际工程结构化简出的TVRO天线Polar Mount数学模型,
【摘要】文学作品较文章作品有更大的不定性和模糊性,作品中间有很多的“空白”等待阅读主体去进行个性化的填补,这较过去传统的阅读理念有了更高的要求。初中生心理特质较小学有了很大的变化,无论从其需求上还是思维上,进行个性化阅读是可能的,也是必要的目前呼唤个性化阅读,这已成为一股异常强劲的涌动的春潮。  【关键词】初中语文;个性化阅读;教学初探  【中图分类号】G4 【文献标识码】 A【文章编号】1671
上、力群暮色(木刻)下、姚天沐山脊粱 (套色木刻70×50cm 1 989(黄土地系列之一).一-_咚鞠上、张登魁大山里 (中国画)下、武尚功河祭163×1 30cm 1992上、赵志光瑞雪清韵 (中