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关于诗歌语言问题,本刊1994年第2辑(总第14样)曾在“语言:一种新诗学维度”的栏目下岌表过陈旭光、叶世祥的两篇论文。本样又特辟“诗歌语言问题”专栏,推出马大康、南野、陈兴伟、张目、魏慧五位作者的文章,另外在“诗学研究”栏目下发表的郑敏先生的《诗歌与文化—诗歌·文化,语言(下)》也主要谈的是诗歌语言问题。我们之所以搜出较大篇幅,特辟专栏谈诗歌语言问题,是由于语言问题正在成为近年来诗学建设所关注的重心之一。也许当代诗歌理论界“语言觉醒”的潮流在很大程度土是西方20世纪诗学语言学转向”启示与利激的结果,但我们认为最根本的原因恐怕还要到新诗诞生80年来所陷入的困窘状态中去寻找。对诗歌语言问题的梳理既不易,提出建设性的对策就更难。但只要我们从新诗创作实践出发,立足于汉语的语言本位,广泛汲,取西方诸家语言诗学理论的营养,打破传统的思维定势,扎扎实实地探索与建设,我们就有可能以语言问题为突破口,逐步建立起一套科学、完善、当代形态的新诗学。 Concerning poetry language issues, we published two papers by Chen Xuguang and Ye Shixiang under the column “Language: A New Poetic Dimension” published in 1994 in the second series (14th). In addition, the article entitled “Problems of Poetry and Language” was launched and featured five articles by Ma Dakang, Nan Ye, Chen Xingwei, Zhang Mu and Wei Hui. In addition, Zheng Min’s “Poetry and Culture - Poetry, culture, language (the second) ”is also mainly talking about the language of poetry. The reason why we have found a large space and devoted ourselves to the language of poetry is that language problems are becoming one of the focuses of poetics in recent years. Perhaps the trend of “language awakening” in contemporary poetry theory circles is to a large extent the result of poetic linguistics turned to “enlightenment and stimulation” in the 20th century in the West. However, we think the most fundamental reason may still fall into the 80 years after the birth of the new poem Of the embarrassing state to find.Classification of poetry language problems is not easy, it is more difficult to put forward constructive countermeasures.But as long as we start from the practice of new poetry, based on the language of the Chinese standard, extensive learn from the Western poetic poem To learn the nutrition of the theory, to break the traditional tendency of thinking and explore in a down-to-earth manner, we may gradually establish a new set of poetics that is scientific, perfect and contemporary with the language issue as the breakthrough point.
为了研究不同火干扰烈度对喀纳斯泰加林土壤有机碳含量及碳储量的影响,以喀纳斯泰加林同一火烧时间不同火干扰烈度的火烧迹地为研究对象,对不同土层(0~10 cm,10~25 cm)有机碳含量进行测定并估算其碳储量,采用单因素方差分析及LSD多重比较进行差异显著性分析。结果表明,相同火干扰烈度下0~10 cm土层土壤有机碳及碳储量均大于10~25 cm土层。0~10 cm土层中碳储量表现为:未火烧>轻度火
介绍中国石化齐鲁分公司第二化肥厂240 t/h循环流化床锅炉用的滚筒筛的运行情况,针对该滚筒筛在运行过程中出现的问题,制定出了整改方案。方案实施后,该滚筒筛运转周期得以延