
来源 :保险研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaoruizhou
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要建立一个以广大农民为主体的,由社会共同分担农业风险责任的农业风险保障体系,应当选择什么样的运行方式,亦即以什么方式将上述农业保险诸多投入主体的行为有机地连结起来,是农业保险发展必须回答的问题。 自1979年以来,我国农业小规模的家庭经营伴随着市场经济的发育和改革的深化,几乎完全地取代了人民公社时期大规模集体公有化 To establish an agricultural risk guarantee system that takes the vast majority of peasants as the main body and shares the responsibility of agricultural risks shared by society, what kind of operation mode should be chosen, that is, in what way should organically link the above-mentioned large amount of agricultural insurance into the main body, Is the development of agricultural insurance must answer the question. Since 1979, the small-scale farming in agriculture of our country, accompanied by the development of the market economy and the deepening of the reform, has almost completely replaced the large-scale collective public ownership during the period of the People’s Commune
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