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2011年,为配合蒲城县文物局对永丰镇发现古墓群的有效保护,陕西省考古研究院对该墓地进行了调查和勘探,并对发现的4座战国秦汉时期的家族墓葬进行了发掘。其中M2为大型竖穴木椁墓,墓主身份尊贵,时代为战国晚期;M3、M4、M5为中小型竖穴墓道土洞墓,时代为秦代或汉初。该墓地的发掘为研究战国秦汉时期的历史考古以及丧葬礼俗等提供了宝贵资料。 In 2011, Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archeology conducted an investigation and exploration of the cemetery in accordance with the effective protection of the ancient tombs found in Yongfeng Town by the Pucheng County Cultural Relics Bureau, and conducted a survey of the four founding tombs of the Qin and Han dynasties in the Warring States period Excavation. Among them, M2 is a large erected wooden mound tomb, which is distinguished by the tomb owner, whose era is the later period of the Warring States. M3, M4 and M5 are soil cave tombs of small and medium-sized erected pilgrims in the Qin and Early Han Dynasties. The excavation of the cemetery provided valuable information for the study of historical archeology and funeral rituals in the Warring States and the Qin and Han Dynasties.
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河南省扶沟县农民李胜利很有经济头脑,他组织几个人成立了一家扒房公司,生意竟然十分红火,电话热线天天响个不停。  今年35岁的李胜利是农民的儿子,两年前,他和村里的其他人一起到城里打工,骑着一辆破自行车,满世界找活干,扛过包,掏过粪,冲过下水道。活辛苦不说,还不怎么赚钱。每天除了吃住,所剩寥寥无几。  一天,李胜利和一帮穷哥们儿为一家城市的居民扒房。这家人嫌平房低矮,住着不气派,想盖高楼。于是请了李
他的摇钱树,就是那些急需洗个澡的机场跑道。这两天,李云鲲在成都双流国际机场收到了他这个月的第3张订单。一脸油污的李云鲲还未顾得上给自己洗把脸,便又要带着价值400多万元的“洗面仪”开赴西安,到咸阳机场接活了。  像李云鲲这样专门为机场“洗脸”的公司,全国只有两家,而李云鲲这家只有6个人的公司就包揽了整个西部地区机场跑道清洗工作,一年净赚上百万。  李云鲲给机场洗脸的家当就是一台看上去挺普通的车载高