
来源 :中共四川省委省级机关党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hehe521_
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江泽民同志关于“三个代表”的重要思想,是党的立党之本,执政之基,力量之源,是新时期全面加强党的建设的指导方针和行动纲领。按照“三个代表”的要求加强机关党的建设,就是要全面贯彻落实《中国共产党和国家机关基层组织工作条例》,落实了《条例》,就是落实了“三个代表”的要求。一、《条例》从明确机关党建的指导思想上体现了始终代表先进社会生产力的发展要求在人类社会的基本矛盾中,生产力是最革命、最活跃的因素,是社会进步和发展的最终决定力量。哪个阶级、哪个政党代表了当时社会生产力发展的要求,它就顺应了历史发展的方向和趋势,掌握了领导和推动社会变革进步的主动权。我们党从诞生之日起,就代表着先进社会生产力的发展要求,把不断解放和发展社会生产力作为自己的历史使命和根本任务,党所制定的一切方针政策都是为促进生产力的不断发展和人民生活水平的不断提高。同时,党的发展历史也反复证明, Comrade Jiang Zemin’s important thinking on “three represents” is the party’s foundation, the foundation of its administration and the source of its strength. It is the guiding principle and program of action to comprehensively strengthen party building in the new period. To strengthen organ party building in accordance with the requirements of the “three represents,” it is necessary to fully implement the “Regulations on the Work of Grassroots Organizations of the Communist Party of China and State Organs,” and implement the “Regulations,” that is, fulfill the requirements of the “three represents.” First, the “Regulations” have reflected the guiding principle of party-building in the organism to represent the development requirements of always representing the advanced social productive forces. In the basic contradictions of human society, productivity is the most revolutionary and active factor, and the ultimate deciding force for social progress and development . Which class and political party represented the requirement of the development of social productive forces at that time, it followed the direction and trend of historical development and mastered the initiative to lead and promote the progress of social change. From its birth, our party represents the development requirements of advanced social productive forces. Taking liberation and development of social productive forces as its historical mission and fundamental task, all our party’s principles and policies are formulated to promote the continuous development of productive forces and People’s living standards continue to improve. At the same time, the history of the party’s development has repeatedly proved that,
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In this paper,we investigate an inertial two-neural coupling system with multiple delays.We analyze the number of equilibrium points and demonstrate the corresp