在档案工作恢复、整顿中,我们根据四化建设新时期、新形势的要求,解放思想,积极主动开展利用工作,为四化建设服务。一年来,我们共接待查阅档案资料一百七十五人(次),提供各种档案三百九十一卷(件),除个别的未查到外,基本上都满足了需要,解决了许多重要问题,发挥了档案的作用。在开展利用工作上,我们注意解决了下面三个问题: 1.查档制度要适应四化的需要:我馆过去的查档制度,规定查档案完全要经过县委办
In the restoration and consolidation of archives work, we have emancipated our minds in accordance with the requirements of the new era and the new situation of the four modernizations and actively utilized the work for the four modernizations. In the past year, we received a total of 175 referrals (files) and 391 volumes (pieces) of various files. Apart from a few exceptions, we basically met the needs and solved the problems Many important issues have played the role of archives. In carrying out the utilization work, we have paid attention to solving the following three problems: 1. The file system must meet the needs of the four modernizations: In the past, the file system of our library required that the file be completely checked by the county government