Number concentration and size distributions of submicron particles in Ji'nan urban area: charac

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ywbll
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The aerosol number concentration and size distribution were measured with the newly developed Wide-range Particle Spectrometer in summer and winter of 2006 at the urban site of Ji’nan city. Here reported the characteristics of fine particles of the different observation seasons. Relative high number concentrations for the particles in the diameter range of 10-500 nm were observed in both seasons. It was found that the dominate number distributed in particle diameter smaller than 100 nm and the percentage over the number concentration of all air particles is much higher than what has been measured in other urban sites over the world. The number mean diameter in summer was much smaller than in winter, strongly suggesting the different origin of ultrafine particles in different seasons. That is, particles in ultrafine mode mainly came from nucleation and new particle formation in summer while from traffic emission in winter. The dial variation also supported this point. Number concentration in the diameter range of 10-200 nm got their peak values at noontime, well correlated with the mixing ratio of SO2 and the intensity of solar radiation in summer. While in winter, those in the same diameter range showed the main peaks during the traffic hours happened in the ming and evening.
摘 要:我国作为茶叶生产和出口大国,具有几千年的茶叶文化历史,种植茶叶也已成为不少山区农民重要的收入来源。而为有效提高茶叶的产量,就应当加大对现代化生产种植技术的应用力度,实现茶叶种植机械化作业。但实际上,我国在茶叶机械化种植方面,还存在不少问题,如缺乏全面的种植机械化种类,农机购置补贴无法满足机械化作业需求,种植机械化管理技术水平不高等。在此种形势下,就应当深入分析茶叶种植机械化的现状,认清其发
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